<p>Hi guys,</p>
<p>I took the May SAT some days ago. I finished section 8 like 3 minutes before the time was over, and I flip the whole book over to see which section i d been through</p>
<p>One gentleman at the test centre caught me and said "you can only work on section 8". Later on a lady there took my ID details and filled in a red form. She said it was fine, but then after me repeatedly asking "whats wrong", she said I was working on the wrong section and she was going to report me</p>
<p>I explained that I didn't work on the wrong section (and I actually didnt!!!!), she said it was a rule and she had to report me, however, she also noted down that although my textbook was on section 7, I didn't write anything down on my answer sheet. She also said that maybe Collegeboard wont do anything about it. She also suggested I contact Collegeboard if I had any complaint about that problem.</p>
<p>I know such a report may result in cancellation of score, and Im freaking worried now. I didn't break the rule or anything like that, it was only a silly mistake :((</p>
<p>*Do you guys know whether that report form is valid without my signature on it? Will Collegeboard cancel my score? And does anyone have any suggestion on how to deal with this case now :( *</p>
<p>I am desperately looking forward for your advice :(. Thank you very much :(</p>
<p>contact collegeboard, or just wait for something to happen</p>
<p>I feel like if the proctor acknowledged that you did not write anything down, it will end up being okay. When they read rules to you, all it says is that you may not go back and work on previous sections - which you didn’t. It doesn’t say you cannot look at them.
I hope things end up being okay.</p>
<p>Did she know that you didn’t work on the section?
Because for all she knows, you might have.</p>
<p>Hey man… i have the same problem. Some proctors are just really terrible…=( don’t worry too much about it. You should dispute it by calling the collegeboard. Well…Best of luck and I hope we both don’t get our scores cancelled.</p>
<p>awh thats sucks :[</p>
<p>kids around on the test kept getting warning from like the proctor, ut she was such a b*tch to me, like i finished section 7 and flipped my scantron to the other side and she started yelling at me :[</p>
<p>wait until you get your score, if it’s DQed then contact collegeboard. </p>
<p>oh man, that sucks!</p>
<p>its ok budddd, people have bigger problems. im pretty sure the CB wont do anything about it, and if they do you can dispute them on it, and it’d probably work out in your favor.</p>
<p>Man…why would you ever even take a chance of getting caugh by flipping through to see what you’ve done? Id just leave the damn thing closed. This happened to me on the ACT a year or two ago the first time I took it, so lets just say its not so fun having to learn the hard way
Just take it again in June.</p>
<p>@reginaphalange: thank u very much. Ur comment really made me feel better.</p>
<p>@DeathAssault: have u contact Collegeboard? How can we actually dispute it
would they trust us 
I am so nervous now and yes lets hope they wont do anything about it. Anw is there any chance we would end up being okay?</p>
<p>@ shaqtus: do u have any advice on how I can actually dispute them on it and make things work out in my favour? :(</p>
<p>Wow bro, that s**ks. Thats a hard way to learn a lesson, if your scores are cancelled. Hope all goes well.</p>
<p>Aren’t you not allowed to sign an official contract until you are 18? So isn’t the contract that you signed on the SAT void unless you are 18?</p>
<p>I dont think its really a “contract” since you are just rewriting a statement saying you did not have any unfair advantages. CB can probably get around calling it a contract because you dont have to take the test and something is probably written in the terms and agree memo that you’re parents have to agree to.</p>
<p>Dont bash me if i am wrong</p>
<p>that ‘contract’- i mean- is just a kind of evidence that u admit having done that wrong thing
I am not sure about the validity of it though :(</p>
<p>I got my score 2 days ago. Thank God it was not cancelled
Thank u guys for ur advice and opinion :). It was of great help :)</p>