Some guys who sit in the back of my college algebra class have been making nuisances of themselves during class. Having loud conversations, cracking jokes and laughing loudly etc while my instructor tries to teach. It’s incredibly distracting and inconsiderate. This would be par for the course in a high school class but I’ve never seen anyone act so childish in college. Everyone there is an adult (legally anyway) and it’s ridiculous that some can’t act like it when not one is forcing them to be in college. I complained privately to the instructor and she said she had to talk to them before about their behavior.
I’m starting to have second thoughts about how I handled that though. I have a good rapport with the instructor and I’m not really out to get these guys in trouble or anything. I think they’ll shoot themselves in the foot if they don’t grow up quickly but I really have no desire to be involved in hastening that. What do you guys think?
You did the exact right thing. You are in the classroom to learn and the professor is there to facilitate that…and that an include helping minimize disruptions.
I would also try to move away from them (like sit in the front row).
I agree. You did the right thing. I also would move my seat to the front to gain some separation. College is really just an extension of HS. The same kids move on. Don’t expect anything different.
Sounds like you did the right thing by going to your professor. It sounds like she has been trying to deal with this issue herself. If their behavior continues to be annoying and immature, you can also move seats (if the room is big enough that moving would help), or even say to them something like, “hey, I’m trying to listen”, or “take it outside” if you feel comfortable saying that directly.
Also, if you feel like their distractions made it so you couldn’t learn the material, be sure to go to help sessions or office hours to make sure you still got the material; you’ll still be responsible for it.
@philbegas It’s a community college class. Part of the reason I like it is because many of the students are non-traditional and therefore less prone to treating college like 13th grade.