Distraught and need advice

<p>Okay, I got my rejection letter from NYU Stern...beat myself up for a little and put things into perspective. I really don't know where I want to go to school now. NYU was the only place I could see myself going and now its not possible. I've applied to PSU, UMich, Northeastern...but will most likely get deferred from UMich (its my top choice after NYU). I haven't visited any schools besides NYU so I really don't know how I like the other schools on my list. I'm afraid my stats are low for any of my schools :(. My SAT score is a 1240...and I think its too low for BC..or any school for that matter. I really don't know what to do..I tried my best on the SAT's..studied over the summer and still couldn't do it after 2 times. I don't want to go to a sub-par school and dish out the same amount of $ as if I were going to a topnotch school...it doesn't make sense. I want to go to a business program...all my EC's are business related, but my SAT's are just not there and thats what got me rejected from Stern...they say they do a hollistic review of applications, but I'm pretty sure its all stats. I would appreciate any advice. I live in NYC and would like any suggestions for top Northeast schools that I have a chance/reach or getting into. Thanks</p>

<p>Listen, SATs aren't everything, I got deferred from University of Pennsylvania-Wharton with an 1800 on the SAT. People got denied with 2300+. I talked to my regional rep and she left me under the impression that admissions is a lot more than SATs. If you have hooks or strong in some ECs you definitely have a shot. Now that I'm deferred from Penn, I'm actually applying to Stern RD. Maybe check out Carnegie Mellon for another good business school.</p>

<p>Remember that you can always go to a cheap, less competitive public college, do well, and then try transferring in a few years. After a few years of college you'll probably have developed a longer list of schools you'd like to attend anyway, so your options will open up a bit.</p>

There are many students in your shoes, & I feel for all of you. The first thing I would do is go to the fairtest site, <a href="http://www.fairtest.org%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.fairtest.org&lt;/a>, clink on the link which lists the U's and colleges where SAT reporting is optional. Check to see if any of those environments would interest you & challenge you. Some of those schools are hyperlinked on the site, like Bowdoin.</p>

<p>You've posted a lot, so I couldn't wade through all your posts to find your stats summary which might show location. But if your in-state Public is not a huge reach, that may be where to start, & then transfer in to a more desirable college. Many very fine schools allow sophomore transfer-ins. Also PM me if you'd like.</p>

<p>Yeah true, but I really don't know where I'd go...I don't want to be unhappy and its also a hit to my ego which is another reason :(.</p>

<p>I don't really have any advice. I just wanted to say I'm sorry that you got rejected, that's rough. But good luck for your RD applications and I hope you find someplace awesome to go.</p>

It seems to me that finding the possibly most challenging school among publics or the fairtest list would be the best strategy for your freshman yr, with a view toward possible transfer later. One would be amazed that some non-reaches have many very capable students in the same boat as you. They also may not have made the testing "cut," for entrance into a grander U, or they may be at a "lesser" place for financial or other practical reasons, cutting their 4-yr tuition tag in half, so to speak. Thus, it is not necessarily a given that a freshman class at an alternate U or college will be non-challenging. It depends on the institution, the courses you choose, the backgrounds of the first-yr students there.</p>

<p>I completely understand your concern about the lack of challenge, but if you do the research, you will find an acceptable alternative. </p>

<p>I don't know what University of Michigan at Flint is like, but they are a fairtest institution, so possibly a transfer into a more desired UMich campus would be possible. Look into that.</p>

<p>Here are some other schools that waive the SAT's:
Northeastern Illinois University
Drew University, Madison NJ
Muhlenberg College, PA
Union College, NY
Hamilton College, NY
Franklin & Marshall, PA
Lawrence U, Appleton, WI</p>

<p>Some of the above are safeties for Ivy "rejects," which I would prefer to call "overflows," as many of those "rejects" would have excellent stats but merely have unfortunate results due to numbers of applicants.</p>

NYU was the only place I could see myself going and now its not possible.

I sympathize with you for your setback. However you simply haven't given the rest of the colleges in this country a fair shake. NYU has some unique things about it including the setting, but its safe to say you can get a good education in a large city at many colleges in this country. You're on the fence now, and you have to decide which way you're going to jump. You can think of anything other than Stern as "settling for less" or you can embrace the search and realize that Stern has pluses and minuses, just like any other college. As a matter of fact you ought to write down a sheet listing 10 positives AND 10 negatives about Stern. Until you can see that Stern has warts just like any other college you're going to have trouble shaking the idea it was the one and only place for you.</p>

<p>thanks mac...actually I'm over Stern and there are things about it that I don't like. Actually I'm saving a lot of money by not going there because I would have gotten no financial aid because ED...and they are stingy. I live in NYC, so it would be cool to go to college in a different state. I'm just having trouble finding different schools that can challenge me as well as provide me with good opportunities.</p>