Distributing work/activity hours correctly on Common App?


I’ve worked a summer job after 9th, 10th, and 11th grades. However, this is the distribution of my hours and weeks of work:
9th grade summer- 133 hours for 10 weeks
10th grade summer- 33 hours per week for 8 weeks
11th grade summer- 40 hours per week for 10 weeks

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

My question is: How would I list the hours and number of weeks on the extra-cirricular portion of the Common App?

Summer employment 9-11: 28hrs/week avg for 28 weeks total. (40 hrs /wk summer 2016)

(I totaled your hours and divided by total weeks)

@T26E4 Thanks for the reply! I was thinking the same thing, but was just making sure. By the way, according to the Common App FAQ, activities that you do during the summer of a year count as the grade that you are moving into. (Summer of 9th grade would count as 10th grade).

Do you think I should include 40 hours/week summer 2016 somewhere in the application?