Diversity at alabama

<p>I’m a transfer student thinking about going to UA. I was wondering if any former/current Bama students would have any input on this. I have seen the ethnic makeup of UA on collegeboard, but from everyone’s personal experience; would someone who is half mexican/half asian feel out of place there? Or are they a common site lol.</p>

<p>To be honest, UA is not terribly diverse (it’s about 80% White). However, I feel that they are making efforts to change that by recruiting NAFs and other high stat minorities. Just walking around campus, you will not see a very diverse student body. But if you choose to get involved in minority clubs or associations, there will obviously be a higher amount of diversity. In response to your question about “fitting in” on campus, you should have absolutely no worries about that. In my experiences at UA thus far, I have neither witnessed nor been subject to any sort of outright prejudice from students or faculty. No one cares what color you are, as long as you are here to learn.</p>

<p>Bama is now listed on Collegeboard as being 50% OOS…so it does have regional diversity. (BTW…it’s amazing that Bama is now 50% OOS.)</p>

<p>The ethnic diversity may be hard to define.</p>

<p>79% identify as White.</p>

<p>12% Black</p>

<p>3% Hispanic/Latino</p>

<p>1% Asian (which seems much lower than what I’ve seen on campus)</p>

<p>3% 2 or more races or “other”</p>

<p>2% Int’l</p>

<p>However, since 3% identify as 2 or more races or “other”, AND another 2% are int’l (some being Hispanic or Asian), that may explain why there is more “color” diversity on campus than what the raw Hispanic and Asian numbers indicate. </p>

<p>I don’t think most people care about what ethnic group people are. There’s mixed race dating, etc.</p>

<p>Actually, compared with other big state schools, UA IS diverse. It is certainly more diverse than Auburn, UGA, UT, etc. It has fewer Latinos and Asians than schools like UF, but that is due to state demographics and as for Asians, to the traditionally higher prestige of Engineering programs at other schools. But that is indeed chaning. UA Engineering is on the rise, and so is Asian enrollment.</p>

<p>UGA seems much more diverse than Bama. At least on paper…</p>

<p>thanks so much guys</p>

<p>UGa does have a larger Asian and Hispanic %.</p>

<p>However, UGa doesn’t have regional diversity. 89% are instate students…and the female ratio is getting tooooo high there.</p>

<p>Every time I visit, UA strikes me as very diverse. Just my subjective impression.</p>

<p>My D has often commented on the lack of diversity compared to the population mix in our northern Illinois suburbs. Note that this is not a black - white issue as UA has a mix that is favorably comparable to the population generally. It is, however, a lack of other people of color that she has noticed most. In our hometown, her group of friends included kids from Indian, hispanic, Korean, Chinese, and middle eastern families. I would presume that with the national recognition of UA rising, coupled with the pushing of the Engineering and other STEM majors, that the broader diversity on campus will be steady increasing. Just to note, this has not been a negative for my D, just something that she has definitely noticed. Roll Tide!</p>