Diversity Open House Programs

<p>I saw this topic discussed in another thread, but thought it deserved its own thread for ease of review. </p>

<p>I think my daughter will ultimately choose her college based upon her admitted student visits. The school that presents itself as having a strong black community will probably win. Most schools have special diversity programs for admitted minority students. One her choices, Tufts, apparently does not.</p>

<p>What do you think of diversity open houses? What have been your experiences?</p>

<p>I’m interested in this topic as well. Bump</p>

<p>I’ve always wondered this…
Can you just ask the colleges that you’ve been accepted to if you could simply come to another over night visit which is not a “diversity” one? I would (and have been) very uncomfortable in these situations, and while I am only a junior now, I would not want an awkward visit to dissuade me from attending a particular college for a reason like this.</p>

<p>My view is very different from your daughter’s, but I think that this topic is interesting</p>

<p>My Ds chosen school had 1 diversity weekend for EA students and has another one scheduled for RD students. Unfortunately we haven’t been able to attend either session. I would have liked to at least see how different they were from the other sessions that were not targeted to AA students. </p>

<p>I think its good to get a viewpoint of AA students at the college/university but you may be able to get that a regular session if AA students are a part of that session. You could also reach out to the diversity department at Tufts and they may meet with you while you are there.</p>

<p>My daughter is looking at number of schools. Some have diversity open houses the day before the regular open house, so the URM kids can get experience both programs. Others, like USC have an African American and Latino student overnight program. The idea is to introduce the students to resources of particular interests to them.</p>

<p>I found out that many of the minority students who attended the fall recruitment for Tufts are coming back to the open house on 4/22. After calling again, I found out that they have programs the night before that the kids would enjoy. Unfortunately, unless you specificaly ask, you will never know…</p>

<p>emory have it</p>