<p>"The point is however, that at the freshman level, it doesn't matter who teaches you. Na + Cl = NaCl no matter who teaches it--- a visitng lecturer, or Nobel Laureate."</p>
<p>sorry truazn, here i have to disagree, perhaps this is true for an intro or midlevel calc course, where the text book suffices, and you've covered some material in HS/can learn it on your own. in those classes it matters less who teaches you. An intro econ prof should have and does have a massive influence on his/her students. the potential to expand students' minds and make a person interested and thinking about economics, really goes far. i say this because most people don't have substantial background in econ, and come to college barely knowing what it is, let alone how it applies to say politics and hardly how they can apply econ concepts to their lives. In this respect gulati (or the G-force as i like to call him), makes a world of a difference, columbia realizes this and put him in a front of a classroom of 400, that's why they dropped joe stiglitz, Stiglitz is brilliant i'm sure, but the awe of his nobel prize doesn't automatically teach you the econ. Nobel prize winners teach courses, but generally they aren't the most rivetting lecturers, because well often they're very old. profs like gulati, susan elmes, xavier sala-i-martin in the econ dept, who teach principles, micro and macro respectively, are all brilliant, but also inspiring lecturers. I'd bet you'd learn more under one of them, and the columbia econ dept bets on it too. The nobel prize winners help with the school's name, prestige, funding, research and ofcourse intellectual development, since they are the smartest minds out there. </p>
<p>so to the original poster, you have the opportunity to take courses under big shots and nobel prize winners, (jeff sachs, phelps, stig, stormer (physics nobel recepient)), but let that not constrain you, there are awesome profs everywhere, and finding them regardless of recognition is what makes the experience worthwile. for most classes, i've so far been very happy with my profs, esp econ profs, none of them have had nobels, although some are recognized superstars. if you were wondering if ugs are left out of the action and high profile profs - certainly not.</p>