<p>you are all bored, right?</p>
<p>As long as your teeth don't look like someone beat you up and then puked in your mouth.</p>
<p>Lmao!!!!!!!! :d</p>
<p>i dig pete doherty. too bad hes going to OD on something any day now...</p>
<p>i sure hope they do!!!!!! i'll be repping the UK this time next summer!</p>
<p>and f.y.i i dont have teeth that look like they have been puked up in or whatever lol</p>
<p>Enough with these ****** threads!!!</p>
<p>yeah, enough with the threads already.</p>
<p>as far as I'm concerned, white English boys look the same as white American boys. period. end of story.</p>
<p>btw, that coach in "Bend it Like Beckham" was pretty hot..but I think he was Irish. Jonathan Rhys-Myers</p>
<p>With the accent, American girls dig even average-looking English men.</p>
<p>^well thats untilted sorted then</p>
<p>I love english men. Accents are absolutely dreamy.</p>
<p>^why hello there my lady, may i interest you in a cup of tea and a delightful scone?</p>
<p>Are u women serious?! The English accent is one of the most disgusting sounds I have ever heard. They're all snotty and it sounds like they need to clear their sinuses.</p>
<p>It's all the accent, according to the girls I've discussed this issue with.</p>
<p>If anything, English men tend to be less attractive physically (in areas other than the accent), apparently, with the main issue being bad teeth. This is true - dental healthcare in the UK sucks.</p>
<p>this is what really p*sses me off!</p>
<p>"all the english sound snotty" hmmmm well it may surprise you but us english actually have many different accents scouse, manc, yorkshire, east anglia, down south, cornish, cockney and none of them sound alike!</p>
<p>the problem is people watch crappy films and tv programmes when all the english speak like the queen and they think we all talk like that! its just not true!</p>
<p>and all this about english not being as attractive as any other race is just a joke! you guys do realise it is england where you guys originally come from dont you? so there for you have the same physical traits as us????</p>
<p>ah well! rant over</p>
<p>JUDE LAW!!!!!!!</p>
<p>scouse is hands down the worst accent...closely followed by cockney</p>
<p>Yeah they do. I saw it. I even saw two American girls fight for an English boy.</p>
<p>2 american girls fighting over an english boy....my dream for next summer haha</p>
<p>Well, being originally english helps with my interest in English boys.</p>
<p>Cockney and scouse are both hard on the ears. I don't have my accent anymore (thank you, american public schools), but I miss hearing a well spoken articulate Brit. Would be a dream to have a guy that talked like that.</p>
<p>umm topofthekop, just because the original 13 colonies were british doesnt mean we're all british descendents</p>