Do anyone know any good research topics for Biotechnology?

<p>Title explains itself.</p>

<p>I want to know more about this too.</p>

<p>=) more than likely people who know this will research on it themselve don't you think?</p>

<p>Ah crap, I had two classes of BioTechnology this year(although it was titled BioMedTech), although I didn't really learn much :P. Some topics may include:</p>

<p>-Genetic Engineering in Crops
-Cloning in general
-Growth hormones
-Recombinant DNA</p>

<p>Yeah..i'm really drawing a blank on this. My teachers would kill me right now :D</p>

<p>THe topics we had to choose form:
GE crops
GE animals
Drugs in sport
Prenatal diagnosis -IVF (the best topic imo)
Possum control (or any pest/animal control)</p>

<p>We had to choose 2 for our research papers and I chose prenatal diagnosis and GE Crops. Ge crops was really broad to write about but prenatal is really simple but great - you can write about all the different methods, a lengthy discussion about ethics and morals, and the laws and regulations. Well I guess you can write about that for ge crops but I just found prenatal so much easier because of all the relevant research info. For ge, you get all this crap from the internet and books and you really gotta sift through them all. Oh and there are HEAPS more periodicals on Prenatal, in comparison to GE (kinda surprising? yea)</p>