Do AP Stats and APES count towards MCA score?

My son, who is currently a junior, has 8 semesters of math so far. He wants to take AP stats as a senior but I’ve been told that this math course does not count towards the MCA course. Is this correct? He is currently taking AP calc AB and does not want to take AP calc BC next year. So AP stats is really the only option open to him.

For Science, he has taken, Bio, Chem, AP Bio and therfore has 6 semesters. He does not want to take physics next year but wants to take APES. I’ve been told that APES does not count as a science for MCS score. Is this correct?

Combined, this is a deduction of 350 points which makes a huge impact on his score. We are very concerned.

Thank you for any advice you can give. We very much appreciate it.

AP Stats is considered an advanced Math course and APES is considered a lab science course also according the UC/CSU website. He should get MCA points for both of these courses unless he is already maxed out on the Math and Science course rigor points. You could call admissions to confirm if want reassurance.

Thank you so much for your quick response. He is not maxed out in either subject. I will call admissions. Thank you for that advice.

Hi, I just wanted to share that I did call admissions and AP Stats is an Advanced math class and APES is a lab science. So both count towards the MCA score.