Hi, I’m currently an eighth grader (going to be a freshman next year), who took Algebra 1 Honors in 7th grade and Geometry Honors in eighth. I was like one of around 15 students to have an A in geometry, and there weren’t that many students in Algebra 1 that did exceptional either. My school pressured a lot of students to take Algebra 1 Honors in 7th grade last year (we had 50 students take algebra 1 in 7th grade) and a large number of students took Algebra 1 Honors in 8th grade before they were ready also (roughly an extra 138 students).
A lot of my friends did poorly in Geometry (or Algebra 1) this year. And, these grades will be showing up on our high school transcripts. For example, one class (Algebra)'s average for the final was a 62. Will colleges look negatively at the low Bs, Cs, Ds, (and even Fs,) that these students didn’t do well in these high-school classes? Or will it not matter (granted they retook the class and did better in high school OR took the next level of math and did fine)?
I’m sure they will look at your grades within context. I struggle to believe they will hold a grade against an 18 year old that they got when they were 13.
Your middle school grades will almost certainly not be considered - not even a little bit.
It may depend on your high school and what shows up on the transcript. My D took Algebra, Spanish 1, Earth Science, and Studio Art I in 8th grade and those grades migrated up to her HS transcript and count towards her HS requirements and credits towards graduation. If your friends who did poorly re-took the classes in HS, then maybe only the HS “version” will show up on the transcript. In any case, even if colleges do see the grades, they will likely not be looked at with the same degree of scrutiny as classes taken later in the HS career. Some colleges (like I believe the UC system in California) don’t count freshman year grades at all in calculating your GPA.
In short, something to ask the guidance counselor, as these things vary!
Thanks @yikesyikesyikes @CaliCash
Yes, @thermom , the grades will show up on the transcript (but under the “middle school” section). Thank you for your response. 
I don’t think a college will care at all about a middle school grade. In fact, many(not just in CA) heavily discount (or ignore) 9th grade grades.
Even if 8th shows in the transcript, adcoms will focus on 9-12.
No, I don’t even think colleges really ask for or want to see those grades. Only high school transcripts matter the most, and even then 11th grade and the first half of 12th count the most. Of course, if you have achievements from middle school you want to let AOs know about, by all means you can do it.