Do Colleges Care That...

<p>Do colleges care that 96% of ACT-tested students are at or below my score in Mathmatics: Plane Geometry/Trig?</p>

<p>Do colleges care that 97% of ACT-tested students are at or below my score in Reading: Arts/Literature?</p>

<p>Do colleges care that 90% of ACT-tested students are at or below my score in Science?</p>

<p>Or do they only care about the raw scores of each section or just my composite score of 25? (do they even see these percentages?)</p>

<p>can anyone help answer this? thanks.</p>

<p>They only care about the raw scores as far as I know. The percentiles are more for you to know where you stand nationally.</p>

<p>really? dang it.... can someone confirm this.. do they at least see the subscores for each section that are out of 18 i think...</p>

<p>bump 10 char</p>

<p>what's 10 char mean.. lol</p>

<p>I have never heard of a college asking for your ACT percentile. Each ACT test gives out a percentile, but it is only for that certain test date. Therefore it wouldn't make sense to value the percentile, being that some test dates might have had more kids testing than the other testing days.</p>

<p>Some message boards (I don't know if this is one) require responses to posts to be at least 10 characters. "BUMP" is too short, so some people started saying "bump 10 char."</p>

<p>There's your history of the internets for today.</p>

<p>Sweet, I was wondering that too.</p>

<p>Wow and i thought it was something cool. Like i remmeber ppl used to say "yes the answer was c 10 char". I thought they meant im positive the answer was c</p>

<p>im pretty sure that colleges look at the percentiles ive heard that from a lot of people.</p>

<p>im pretty sure colleges compare you to other ppl applying, not to the whole nation</p>

<p>It's kind of meaningless to pick out your strongest subscores and post them here. Colleges will see a report of your strong and weak scores. They don't get a list of percentiles, but after reviewing 1000's of ACT scores, they already know how strong a certain score is anyway.</p>

<p>What about me? </p>

<p>Do colleges care that 99% of ACT-tested students are at or below my score in Mathmatics: Plane Geometry/Trig?</p>

<p>Do colleges care that 99% of ACT-tested students are at or below my score in Reading: Arts/Literature?</p>

<p>Do colleges care that 99% of ACT-tested students are at or below my score in Science?</p>

<p>Do colleges care that 99% of ACT-tested students are at or below my score in English?</p>

<p>at it again vadox...</p>

<p>No, vadox, they don't. They'd prefer someone who plays well with others to a "genius".</p>

<p>Getting a high score on a standardized test by no means indicates that one is a genius.</p>

<p>...which is exactly why the word "genius" was in quotation marks...</p>

<p>Do all of Vadox's incredibly annoying posts count as problem posts?</p>