So in my state, our stupid and incompetent legislators decided to implement PARCC. It’s another standardized test that politicians need to feel good about how education is going. My question is, would colleges lend any weight to my scores on this test? Unlike SAT and ACT, this test is online. You have to do math ON A COMPUTER. For example, every time you want to use a fraction, you have to click on the button so an empty fraction appears. Imagine Khan Academy, just as a standardized test. I’m worried I’m going to do bad on it. I’m a freshman now, and I’ve heard chatter that it’s probably going to be eliminated by next year, so my question is, will a bad performance on this test hurt me? And if it will, how much?
Students take standardized tests all over the country. Yes, much of the testing is now online. You get scratch paper to help work out the math problems. No, your test results are not shown to colleges.
I doubt it is but you can always ask your HS guidance counselor what information is included on the transcript that gets sent to colleges.
Only 6 or 7 states in the country are still using that stupid PARCC test - it’s used for absolutely nothing besides making money for Pearson. Neither of my children have ever taken them, and never will. Colleges will never see it.