<p>I'm not saying I'll be dishonest or anything (maybe I might stretch the true a bit), but do colleges even check up on the stuff you put on your application? For example, I took some classes at a local community college, and there is a section to put that, but like all it asks is essentially what school you took classes at and how many credit you earned, I feel like you could just make that up on the spot anyways along with extra circulars. Another thing...for the extracurriculars I feel like I could make stuff up and they'll never know or will they? (not that I'll do that)</p>
<p>There was a news article sometime ago about how the admissions offices of some colleges randomly choose certain applications to check up on…They notify the chosen students and ask them to submit proof of some of the activities they did. The example mentioned was that one girl was asked to show proof she did a research activity and she ended up sending in a recommendation written by the researcher to vouch for her.</p>
<p>If you have on your application that you classes (I will assume academic classes, not basketweaving) at a local community college, I would be surprised if they didn’t ask you to send a transcript from the school.</p>
<p>^ no they’re legit business classes, I could get transcripts and send it if they request, but I’m too lazy to otherwise. I applied to Indiana, UConn and UMich early and none of those asked for them so far. But like is it all right to stretch out the truth? Like if I was in a club for…let’s say 2 years of hs, could I put that I was there for all 4 years and I was part of the steering committee? I’m not trying to bs my way into college, but if they don’t check it then I might as well.</p>
<p>^do you have any morals?</p>
<p>most colleges ask for transcripts from dual-enrollment after you matriculate, from what I’ve heard.</p>
<p>So, after you “fudge” your college application, get your degree, and start job-hunting…are you going to “fudge” your resume too?</p>
<p>Yet another thread like this. Ha!</p>