Do colleges expect you to remember everything you learn in high school?

<p>I just realized recently that I don't remember anything I have taken my sophomore year (AP Stats, etc) and I am half about to forget many concepts I learned in Junior year. By the time I get to college, they will be so hard to recall. Do college classes start with the assumption that everyone already remembers everything they learned in AP or do they give you review as you go along. For history and English, it is fine. But for AP Chemistry, AP Biology, AP Calculus BC, and AP Physics I just don't know if I can remember everything. Of course I will know the general concepts but I probably won't remember specific ideas.</p>

<p>When you get to college, it will come flowing back to you. You will not pass the test without reviewing, but the knowledge you gained will be retained. It is impossible to lose knowledge under normal circumstances.</p>

<li>No they don’t.</li>


<li>To be honest, you won’t need to know most of what you learn in AP classes, unless its a class that leads into your major. If you’re an English Major you’ll probably only be required to take 2 basic math and science courses. Calculus, Chemistry and Physics don’t fit into that category lol and again you won’t be expected to remember everything from Biology (You might not even take biology if you can find an alternative science course)</li>

<p>You may not remember it off the top of your head, but you will likely be able to review and relearn it much more quickly than you learned it the first time.</p>

<p>Many courses will quickly review previous concepts for a week or so before starting new material. If you learned it before in high school, you should have no problem picking it back up during the first week.</p>

<p>Dude I forgot most of AP Stats right after I took it too. I got a 5 too, so I knew it at one point haha.</p>

<p>It’s not like they will jump right into anything. You’ll have a little bit of time to jog your memory</p>

<p>Yeah, I barely learned anything in high school in all honesty and I’m doing fine in college. Usually the topics are pretty different and if they’re not then they’ll come back to you, more than you think.</p>

<p>Not really. Obviously you should know basic math and calculus though to the point where you at least recognize how to do something.</p>