Do Colleges Know if You Don't Send All Scores??

<p>June ACT: 26 composite (31 English, 26 Math, 23 Reading, 23 Writing); 27 combined English/Writing score</p>

<p>September ACT: 27 composite (29 English. 26 Math, 27 Reading, 27 Science); 28 combined English/Writing score</p>

<p>Should I send just the September ACT or both. My September score was better and I like the score distribution much more than the June sitting. None of my schools do a true superscore. Will colleges know if I only send the higher score. I doubt it</p>

<p>They learn either by your telling them, by your ordering the scores sent by the testing agency, or by your high school telling them if your high school is one of many that put all your scores on the official transcript sent to colleges (you need to check what your high school does). </p>

<p>In any event, you should consider sending both even if the college does not superscore ACT tests. Many colleges consider the English and math section scores to be the more important scores. in fact some, such as Georgia Tech and Rose Hulman, use the English and math section scores and ignore composite, science, and reading scores.</p>

<p>Hello people, I just took my SAT 2 days ago (October 5th) and I feel as if I bombed it, this is my first time taking it and am a senior. Time really killed me
Anyways, whould I cancel my scores? I know I did horrible and I don’t want to embaress myself. PLEASE HELP. I think I got these 420 math 520 reading and 750 in writing.</p>