Do colleges receive your third quarter grades?

<p>Or do they just receive a final transcript that they use to possibly rescind acceptance or sort out waitlists?</p>

<p>In other words, even if your third quarter ends before colleges notify you, do they see those grades before you are accepted/rejected initially?</p>


<p>i can’t see any college specifically requiring third quarter grades, especially since most high schools use semesters. (mine uses quarters)</p>

<p>just because third quarter ends before colleges notify you, doesn’t mean that the third quarter ends before they make a decision. you might be on the top of the pile. and even if you sent it in after a decision a couple of As isn’t going to sway their decision.</p>

<p>you should send in your 3rd quarter grades if they’re good, if they’re not good you can choose not to send them.</p>

<p>and this year is the most competitive year ever for college admissions, ANYTHING can help.</p>

<p>Usually you are required to send a midyear report with 1st semester of senior year. I don’t think you send 3rd quarter, unless maybe you were waitlisted and needed a boost to get you off the waitlist.</p>

<p>Colleges see whatever your school sends. If your high school sends a transcript with quarter grades as well as final grades, the college sees them in the final transcript. If your high school sends a transcript with only the final grades, that’s all the college sees.</p>

<p>I’m like 99.9999% certain that the last grades colleges see before making a decision are in the Midyear Report. If you choose to attend, you obviously send your final transcript.
I’m pretty sure that most high schools’ 3rd quarters end just as colleges begin to send out decisions anyway so adcoms wouldn’t even see them on time. For example, you can’t submit a March SAT for this admission cycle cause it’ll get there too late, what makes you think grades are any different?</p>