Do colleges rescind acceptance if a student gets a C

I am a senior, and I was wondering if colleges will rescind acceptance if a student gets a C in the second semester of senior year.
My English teacher has been giving us really difficult tests, and he said he will continue to do that for the rest of the semester.
I currently have a C in his class, and I honestly am not sure if I can get it up to a B.
So I am scared if colleges will rescind acceptance after seeing C on my transcript. Rest of the grades are mostly A’s though.
Will one C in my second semester of senior year affect the college admission / acceptance?

Highly unlikely

Check the conditions of your acceptance letters.

But I’d be beyond shocked and amazed if this were a possibility.

Very doubtful.

I have concerns about this, however:

Your teacher is giving you fair warning that you need to step up your game. You can do the work. Don’t let yourself fall into the senioritis trap now that you have a college to attend. There are some schools that will question a C, though it’s hard to imagine many that will rescind for that.

Last school year I worked with a student who had two C’s on his final report card. He got them senior year when he was slacking off. The college demanded an explanation. If he hadn’t provided an assurance that he would keep up with his work in college and acknowledged his role in his lower grades, they might have rescinded him.

Keep up the hard work and don’t let yourself find out if being rescinded is a possibility.

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Not typically. That being said, it is important to keep your grades up. S22 knows a kid at his college that had their acceptance to a more prestigious school rescinded because all his grades dropped to Cs senior year - he basically stopped trying. They did tell him if he had a good year as a freshman in college they would take him as a sophomore transfer but a word to the wise . . . . don’t totally let yourself go senior year just because you’ve been accepted to college. The same academic skills that got you As every other year didn’t suddenly disappear as a senior.


Unlikely but not impossible.

One of the things you can do right now is talk to the teacher. Ask him how you can improve, what you need to work on because you want to make sure that you want to do well in his class.
What he can see that you need to improve?
I think those are the things you need to work on now instead of worrying about your grade. My student had difficult class and the professor was quite new but I encourage the student to start talking to the professor, build relationship and ask for advice. At the end of the day, it ended up well for my student (the student enjoyed the class, was able to get feedback from the professor and applied those feedback and ended up getting B).


This is great advice. And if you DO need to explain to your college, you can let them know you did this which would look good for you - that you did everything you needed to do to get the best grade possible.