Do Colleges See Senior AP Scores

<p>I will be attending RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) this fall. I got into the 7-year, accelerated medical program. I'm worried that I will be receiving very poor AP scores this year (as a senior in high school). Would my college see these scores? And if so, could I get rescinded as a result? It's not like I'm planning on using the scores for credit (even if I got 5s)...</p>

<p>AP tests are made to prove that you are already proficient in a certain first-year subject and can in no way negatively impact you if colleges see that you didn’t get a passing score; it just means that you take the class again in college as per the standard design of the education system, and that you at least made an effort to take those classes. Anyway, I think rescindence is only possible in the case of a legal misdemeanor.</p>


<p>The only ways of getting rescinded:

  1. Crime
  2. (School) grades significantly get worse. (Getting 2 D’s or 2 F’s or 3 C’s senior year; “significantly worse” is subjective, just be sure to maintain a B & A average)</p>