<p>Well, do they?</p>
<p>yes they do.</p>
<p>Most definitely! So don't slack off and screw up...like me.</p>
<p>Um...why wouldn't they count?</p>
<p>How much weight are they given, since they're only a quarter of a class?</p>
<p>well it's a quarter of the credits...like if it's a 5 credit class, you did 1.25 credits of work...so obviously the grades won't have too much weight, but they're still incredibly important</p>
<p>quarter grades count? see, at my school, everything is done by semester grades, even though we do have quarter markings. however, a lot of teachers won't have assigned most major projects/papers before the quarter, those all come at the semester, so your grades are nowhere near where they'll be at the semester, and are often lower because there are fewer amounts of points in each category so it's easier for one little assignment to mess up your grade a disproportionate ammount.</p>
<p>i know you send semester grades from our school for RD... but for EA or ED do you still have to send 1st quarter grades, even though quarter grades never show up on our transcripts?</p>
<p>my school is actually on the trimester system so our full 1st trimester grades get sent--it's like a semester grade, so pretty serious stuff.</p>
<p>are you sure...? positive? </p>
<p>so do they count for UCs?</p>