Do freshman bring cars?

<p>I live in the chicago burbs, and my bro has an awesome car and he's applying. Do freshman normally bring cars to uiuc, i've heard that it is unnecessary. How many do bring cars, and how necessary/helpful is it?</p>

<p>I’m a freshman here and I didn’t bring my car. I honestly don’t know a single person that did. You won’t need it. If you have to go to the mall (which I haven’t had to go yet) you can take the bus for free there, and that goes for anywhere near campus. Also, I heard parking spots are expensive. If you really feel like you need a car on campus, you could try the Zip Car service (look it up if you don’t know what it is). One of my friends is doing that, but he hasn’t had anywhere to drive to.</p>

<p>awesome thanks!</p>

<p>so almost no freshman bring cars, can someone else confirm this?</p>

<p>And what about returning students, sophomores?</p>

<p>I’m a freshman and I have my car. I don’t know of anyone else though. I live on the south side of campus and sometimes I drive to stuff all the way to the north. I also drive to Walmart, etc.</p>

<p>And I drive home some weekends. Buses don’t go near my house.</p>

<p>edit: Parking is $540. Not that bad, considering tuition is what, $15,000?</p>