<p>Need some serious answers here.
I'm beginning to doubt this theory.</p>
<p>i think so, i had a friend who dated a guy for a while once.</p>
<p>Ah, for a while. Meaning she tried to, but couldn’t yes?</p>
<p>They love me.</p>
<p>No, the human race exists not!</p>
<p>No seriously, just find some chick, comment on how pretty her eyes are and hit it off from there. =]</p>
<p>Only ones that don’t like them back.</p>
<p>i have a theory that all girls are bi-sexual. Like why do they always hug each other so much?
If some guys started hugging me like for no extreme reason i wuld prolly just knock em out lol.
Also some study showed that a lot of girls have engaged in lesbian behavior sometime in their life ( i forget the number but it was pretty large).
Like straight brothas never do that.</p>
<p>to the OP:</p>
<p>yes, but sometimes the guys don’t like them back =(</p>
<p>Yes its so sad.
Vice versa is also sad…
Im sounding emo…
<p>what’s a guy?</p>
<p>A miserable little pile of secrets…
But enough talk! Have at you!</p>
<p>No, they like MEN.</p>
<p>No, they like MEN like me not boys like you</p>
<p>they like our thaaanngg</p>
<p>“i have a theory that all girls are bi-sexual”</p>
<p>There is a very famous theory that EVERYONE is inherently bisexual, but express aspects of our sexuality to varying degrees depending on a multitude of factors. I happen to find that easy to believe.</p>
<p>^Which would suggest that being homosexual is a choice. Which would not go well with certain people.</p>
<p>I happen to agree though, that would make sense.</p>
<p>I’m not inherently bisexual brah. Maybe you queers are.</p>
<p>well girls are more inherently bi-sexual lol. Not that i am complaining :)))).</p>
<p>^^^ especially now that it’s encouraged. When was the last time you saw a group of girls trying to convince two guys to makeout?</p>
<p>^ lol</p>