Do I apply...


<p>I'm a senior interested in Yale. In terms of qualifications, I think I'd be borderline accept-waitlist, but that's just my opinion. I wasn't able to finish up my common app by the EA deadline, but a number (5-ish) of other qualified kids did apply. Is it a smart idea for me to still apply RD, or will my lateness (and the probability that at least one of the EA kids will get accepted) make my chance of acceptance to slim?</p>

<p>Your chance of acceptance already is slim. So it won’t hurt to apply.</p>

<p>i agree with the first poster. ^^</p>

<p>your chance of acceptance is 0% if you don’t apply.</p>

<p>take that as you will.</p>

<p>It’s always worth a shot.</p>

<p>I’m thinking the same with me for next year. I was reading that RD is like 4% and then i realized that probably all the deferred kids will get those spaces. </p>

<p>But you never know if you don’t try. It’s always worth the shot! Go for it :)</p>

<p>Yes… join us in the pit of anxiety… go on, jump!</p>