Do I belong at Mac? Can I get in?

<p>GPA: 4.0 unweighted / I am not sure what it is weighted, but I know that my counselor sent both transcripts.
Class Rank: 1/675
ACT: 28 (I realize this is on the lower end of Mac's range)</p>

<p>I am applying ED II.</p>

<p>High School Courses: All advanced/honors courses, 6 AP, 2 College in the Schools classes</p>

<p>Letters of Rec: I have sent three, but I have only read two of them - however, they were very well written and portrayed me in a great light.</p>

<p>Extra-Curriculars: </p>

<p>-I am a tutor/mentor at a local homeless shelter two days a week (appr. 6 hours total), and have been working with the same boy for two years now.</p>

<p>-National Honor Society</p>

<p>-Yearbook Editor</p>

<p>-Varisty tennis 9th-11th - I was unable to play this year due to an injury.</p>

<p>-I am a member of my school's Spanish Club, and also was a co-chair for designing/planning prom last year.</p>

<p>-I also work part time at Caribou Coffee (appr. 20 hours a week), and have worked there for over a year, and before that held another job.</p>

<p>Essay: My common app essay focuses on my time with the boy I tutor, and the Why Mac? discusses my interest in a strong liberal arts education, and how such an education can help give back to society.</p>

<p>I have visited the Macalester campus twice, and am in the process of scheuduling an interview.</p>

<p>With all this said, any comments/helpful tips are appreciated :)</p>

<p>Macalester prides itself on its “intentionally inefficient” admissions office–in other words, they do review the applicant pool holistically. Although your ACT is a little low, that won’t be the deciding factor. Demonstrated interest in internationalism and community service can carry you far. Just be relaxed and be yourself during the interview.</p>

<p>Thanks for your input! I know quite a few current students with ACT scores similar to mine, so I really hope that doesn’t affect my chances at all.</p>

<p>I believe that you have a very good chance.</p>