Do I count as Hispanic?

<p>Hi guys!</p>

<p>Do I count as Hispanic for college applications? Both of my parents were born and grew up in Hispanic countries, but they are of mostly European descent. They both went to university in the U.S., too (my father went to two Ivies). I don't look Hispanic AT ALL or have a Hispanic name, but I grew up speaking Spanish. Also, since we have lots of family that still lives in these Hispanic countries, we visit often. </p>

<p>What do you think? How much do you think this Hispanic connection will help me? What should I put on my college application? (Can I put both Hispanic and White, or should I just put Hispanic...?)</p>

<p>Thank you!

<p>You are hispanic and white. No reason not to identify as such and it could help with admissions and getting a National Hispanic recognition award based on your PSAT score if you are a junior.</p>

<p>Please read the sticky thread at the top of this forum about the definition of Hispanic.</p>