<p>okay SO. i'm about to be a senior at a public school in maryland and i don't know where to apply! i'd really love some help.</p>
<p>I want the school to be competitive and reputable. Preferably beautiful, old buildings, green lawns, lots of space, but its not a deal breaker. </p>
<p>Okay stats..</p>
<p>Gpa: 3.6 unweighted, 4.0 weighted.
AP scores: AP gov:3 AP English:4 AP US History:4</p>
<p>SAT Scores: 2010 overall.
Critical Reading: 740
Writing: 680
Math: 590 (ugh.)
i'm determined.</p>
<p>Subject Tests:
US History: 690
English Lit: 640
Math 1: 590
<p>I'm going to take 4 AP's my senior year: AP bio, english, european history, and calc.</p>
<p>This summer I'm interning with the Mayor of my city and also with the office of the Public Defender. I'm planning to study public policy, polisci, or law.
I also have a job as a store model (hollister).
I'm a Red Cross volunteer, have been a girl scout for 6 years, and i'm very active in community volunteering.</p>
<p>I'm in NHS, have gotten various academic achievement awards.
JV soccer for two years, JSA (political awareness group) for 2 years, Latin Club for two years.</p>
<p>Thats about it.</p>
<p>PLEASE give me suggestions, they will be GREATLY APPRECIATED !!!
<p>Suggestions? You've given us absolutely nothing about what you are looking for in a school. There are literally hundreds of "beautiful campuses" as well as schools that are "competitive and reputable". You just list stats and are essentially asking "What is the best school I can get into?"</p>
<p>Do you want a big school, do you want a small school, how much are you willing to spend, how far away do you want to travel, what are you looking to major in? You're posting in a chances forum, but didn't list any schools. What schools are you interested in?</p>
<p>Are you planning to take the ACT?</p>
<p>"I want the school to be competitive and reputable. Preferably beautiful, old buildings, green lawns, lots of space, but its not a deal breaker. "
no all girls schools. no stone cold sobers schools.</p>
<p>And no, rdave9009, i wasn't planning on it. i'm using all available time left to raise my SATs.</p>
<p>i actually wrote right up there what i'm planning to study.</p>
<p>and i just want suggestions based on stats and description.</p>
<p>if you don't have any, why are you commenting?</p>
<p>Don't worry! I have a reason for commenting...I just need to ask a few more questions so that I can give you my best ideas! Are you open to any area of the country, or would you rather stay in the East?</p>
<p>LMAO. Stay away from any top tier schools.</p>
<p>Well, I was here to help. I usually help tons of kids every year with their college list, giving them suggestions, pointing them to resources, and sharing information that I have learned from going through 4 admissions cycles. But your attitude just closed that door.</p>
<p>NYU? University of Maryland? Chapel Hill? Georgetown? University of Connecticut? Just giving some random schools. </p>
<p>Try being more specific than "pretty"such as liberal arts or such.... </p>
<p>The community college in my town is pretty too. It has a castle with a canon. Cool eh?</p>