I really screwed up these past 2 years in CC. I don’t know why it took me until now to realize this now. I was lazy, stupid, addicted to video games, always wanted to take the easy route in academics, and always blamed other things when it was ME this entire time. I have to take responsibility for my own actions, and I understand that now.
I really hurt my GPA in Spring semester last year when I completely slacked off and didn’t care about my grades at all. I literally got straight Cs and thought that I was doing fine. It took me this long to realize that Cs were the worst things I could do to my GPA.
I don’t want this to be a sob story, but I’ve hit rock bottom and realized how deep of a hole I’ve dug myself in CC. I’m determined to change my life around.
I’m starting my 3rd year currently at a 2.84 GPA as a Computer Science major. With that being said, I would feel like the luckiest person in the world if I was even accepted by a CSU, because I really have no hope that I will right now. After this semester (Fall 2018), I should be able to bring my GPA up to at least a 3.0 (striving for 3.1). I currently attend Mt. SAC, so I’m really hoping to transfer to CSULA, CSUDH, or Cal Poly Pomona. CPP is my local university, but I really doubt that I would get in. I’ve finished IGETC and most of the courses on assist.org for these schools. For CPP, I have Data Structures and Algorithms left to take and for CSULA, I still have Physics 2 and Calculus 2 to take, all of which I will have finished by Spring 2019. So my question is, do I even have a chance at getting into an CSUs? I really appreciate any replies.
I’m really sorry for the wall of text, I’m incredibly disappointed in myself right now and just want to succeed from here on out.
Since CPP is your local CSU, you will get priority so definitely worth your time to apply. Below is a link for 2017 CSU transfer data with average transfer GPA’s by campus and information regarding impaction and local vs non-local GPA thresholds.
Best of luck and yes you do have a chance just apply widely.
Thanks for the reply, Gumbymom. And thank you for that form. I will definitely use it and apply to CPP and as many other CSUs as I can. I really appreciate the uplifting words!
You mentioned CSUDH. It is not impacted and no majors are impacted there, so meeting CSU eligibility and prerequisites for your major should be sufficient.
ucbalumnus, I will definitely be applying to CSUDH. Thank you!
SF State and CSUEB are also worth an ap. Their proximity to the Valley makes them ideal for CS students.
Good luck
I’ll definitely be applying to the two as well. Thank you!
@hopeless12 You seem that you have really been stepping up the game, keep improving your grades and try to get all A’s and I’m sure you will have no problem getting in to schools!
@RichardBIV I really appreciate that! I’m working incredibly hard this semester (going into the fourth week) and will continue to do so from now on. Thanks a lot 
@hopeless12 Don’t be so hard on yourself. I have an entire semester of Ws on my transcript, as well as 2-3 Fs. I was going through a very tough time while I was in school at one point. That being said, I got into SFSU a couple days ago and I’m waiting on Cal Poly Pomona and San Jose State. Anything is possible and a 2.84 isn’t the worst. Have faith and maybe apply to Sac State as like a super back up because they have a very high acceptance rate.