<p>I felt the need to make another chance thread because I realized that I’ve left out some important information in the first one. My academic record was horrible in the first two years of high school, so I’m really concerned about it.</p>
<p>Freshman Year:
4 Academic Courses (3.5 Honors/Pre-IB + .5 Regular)
Unweighted Academic GPA: 2.5</p>
<p>Sophomore Year:
5 Academic Courses (1 AP + 4 Honors/Pre-IB)
Unweighted Academic GPA: 2.1</p>
<p>Junior Year:
7 (All) Academic Courses (6 IB + 1 Pre-IB)
Unweighted Academic GPA: 3.79
(Finished 2nd semester with a 4.0)</p>
<p>Senior Year (1st semester):
7 (All) Academic Courses (7 IB/AP)
Unweighted Academic GPA: 3.71</p>
<p>As you can see, my GPA increased dramatically as my courses became even more rigorous.</p>
<p>Due to my horrible performance in sophomore year, I took 3 forgiveness classes, which replaced 3 of my Ds in sophomore year to As. When this is applied, this brings my GPA of sophomore year into a 3.0.</p>
<p>With my forgiveness classes, my overall GPA calculates up to a 3.32 with a class rank of 6%</p>
<p>In my essay, I explained how I was lost in the first two years of high school due to several unfortunate circumstances. I wrote about how I gained certain principles of life through experiences and how these experiences changed my personality and my view on life.</p>
<p>My test scores aren’t that good either.
My ACT score is a 27 (which goes up to a 29 when superscored)</p>
<p>Perhaps the only thing that is overall good about myself is my ECs. I have several leadership positions and some stuff which I believe that only a few applicants have done.</p>
Low-income (applying for financial aid)
Two good teacher recs
An OK, but undeveloped counselor rec</p>
<p>I am really worried right now so I would really appreciate some speculations.
Thank you.</p>