Do i even have a shot at community college?

So it’s been a year since I’ve graduated high school and I’ve been considering going to college but here’s the problem.
I never took high school or middle school serious and i don’t remember anything from 9th grade and up. I’ve recently decided that i will try and relearn every thing that i missed out on in high school, which is everything.

Is it even possible to relearn high school by yourself? Would i just be wasting my time? Can i even still take the ACT and SAT? I just want the opinion of anybody; college students, deans, professors, admissions officers, parents, etc. Please give your unfiltered opinion on my dilemma.


Just realized I’ve posted this on the wrong topic. My bad

Wait–just to clarify, you graduated with a 0.00 GPA?? I assume you are exaggerating…

Im not exaggerating, I graduated high school with a 0.00 GPA. If the website would’ve allowed pictures to be posted i would post a picture of my final transcript (with personal info blacked out of course).

It may be an error by the school but it is below 0.

Is this John Blutarski?

If you have a 0.00 GPA, you did not “graduate high school”. I do not know of a high school which allows kids to graduate without passing the minimum required courses. If they did, they can get in trouble with their accreditation.

However if you FINISHED high school with a 0.00 GPA and didn’t graduate, then you need to go and get your GED. With a GED, you can attend community college, and from there you may even be able to transfer to a 4 year college and finish an undergraduate. degree.

But first you need a GED.

You can’t have a GPA below 0. GPAs in the US are usually expressed on a scale A = 4, B = 3, C = 2, D = 1, F = 0. Below 0 GPA implies doing worse than failing all classes. What were your most common grades during HS?

If you have a high school diploma or a GED you can enroll in community college. At least the one where I live and it’s an outstanding school.

It is never to late to turn your life around. You can do it.

The previous posters are correct. You will need to get your GED first, either through self study or a prep class.

MODERATOR’S NOTE: Since it is impossible to have a 0.0 GPA, I have edited the title of the thread. Users can still address the questions in the OP.

See an advisor at the community college and bring your high school transcript. They will be able to tell you if you need a GED. It sounds as though you might. First you have to complete the requirements for a high school diploma. Then, you can enroll in community college. You don’t need to do SAT/ACT exams, and I see no point in even thinking about them.

One way to save time and money is to try doing some CLEP exams. Here is the info:

You basically pass the exam and get credit for that course. The exam costs money, but it’s many times cheaper than taking the class in college. CLEP works best for core classes such as English and math. You could do these AFTER you have your GED. CLEP credits are most often accepted by public universities. Each university has its own requirements, so you need to check with whatever university you eventually hope to transfer to.

You can do this. Don’t worry about how long it takes you. I finished my college education in six years. Others have taken even longer. Take those first steps and keep your eye on the prize.

Clickbait at best; under-the-bridge dweller at worst.

Such a shame the the OP has decided to waste people’s time, since most users are extremely knowledgeable and are willing to share solutions for legitimate issues.

@myredemption1 - Most community colleges don’t require high school diplomas or GEDs. They have their own placement exams. Go meet with the counselors and find out what you can do.