<p>Hi! I'll get right to it!</p>
<p>SAT: Taking in October, estimating around 2150~2250
SAT II: US History:800, World History:750
AP: US History:4, English Language:5, Environ Sci: 5, Microeco:4 (Taking AP Comp Sci, AP English Lit, AP Psych, AP Bio, and AP Stats for Senior year)
GPA: 91.7/100
Rank: Top 50% (of a small class of 81 students)
ECs: Community service-driven, work experience, speech, and some competitive sports with some leadership roles and awards
Recs: I guess they will turn out to be pretty good
Region: Asia
School Type: Private school, sends grads to top schools, extremely competitive (Bottom halves move on to Cornell)
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male</p>
<p>Oh, and by the way, I am a US citizen.. if this matters at all.</p>
<p>Also, is the competition for SFS MUCH MORE intense than Georgetown College? Thanks in advance!</p>