<p>Hello. I am a first time poster. Nice to meet you all.</p>
<p>I go to a school in Canada. It's considered to be one of the number 1
schools in my region. Although I did get accepted to Phillips Andover Academy, I could not enrol due to financial issues.</p>
<p>I am a 1st generation immigran Korean. My dad's a CEO and has a PhD.</p>
<p>Grade 9 GPA 3.5</p>
<p>Grade 10 GPA 3.7</p>
<p>These are really bad...</p>
<p>Grade 11 Courses</p>
<p>Physics Accelerated 11/12 </p>
<p>Chemistry Accelerated 11/12</p>
<p>Mathematics 12</p>
<p>English 11</p>
<p>Religion 11</p>
<p>Physical Education 11 (Mandatory in Grade 11)</p>
<p>Jazz Band 11 (electric guitar)
Social Studies 11</p>
<p>My school does not offer AP courses which is BS. Instead, it has a progam with University of British Columbia. The accelerated program lets you finish grade 11 and 12 courses in grade 11 year and lets to take lectures at UBC in grade 12 which are actual Univ Courses.</p>
<p>Grade 12 course plan</p>
<p>Physics 108 (UBC)</p>
<p>Chemistry 124 (UBC)</p>
<p>English 12</p>
<p>Differential Calc (UBC)</p>
<p>Roman Studies 100 (UBC)</p>
<p>Religion 12</p>
<p>Psychology 12</p>
<p>Entreprenuership 12</p>
<p>Jazz Band 12 (electric guitar)</p>
<p>History 12</p>
<p>Roman Studies 100</p>
<p>Physics 108</p>
<p>Chemistry 124</p>
<p>English 12</p>
<p>UBC Calculus 100</p>
<p>are the UBC courses which i am going to get University credits from. The thing is i am not sure whether I should take AP exams or not. </p>
<p>This year, I am aiming for GPA 3.9...hopefully...</p>
<p>SAT 1</p>
<p>Math: 800</p>
<p>Reading: 770</p>
<p>Writing: 600</p>
<p>My writing score is soooo bad....
im going to emphasize on studying writing.</p>
<p>SAT II</p>
<p>Physics, MathII, English Literature, Korean, Chemistry, World History, Calculus</p>
<p>I'm going to take 3 out of above and haven't decided which ones yet. I'm aiming for 800 on all 3 which i take.</p>
<p>Manitoba Service Project 2weeks</p>
<p>Pearson Seminar on Youth Leadership</p>
<p>Shad Valley</p>
<p>Edmundians Association Member (equivalent to student council)</p>
<p>Social Justice Club (Executive)</p>
<p>Math Club (Secretary/Vice President)</p>
<p>Physics Club (Executive)</p>
<p>Martial Arts Club (founder)</p>
<p>Duke of Edinburgh's Award Bronze (next january)</p>
<p>Debate Team (member)</p>
<p>Tennis Team (march)</p>
<p>STRING Society (Science and Tech guru's club. Executive)</p>
<p>Yearbook Committe (Edittor)</p>
<p>Peer Tutoring</p>
<p>Swimming Level 10</p>
<p>Reach for the Top (Team member) (TV show)</p>
<p>Jazz Band (school ranks top 13 in Canada)</p>
<p>Honor Society</p>
<p>My biggest concern is GPA right now.. since it is so low. Also my SAT isn't good enought for Wharton.. Im planning to write my essay on my view of Sir Thomas More's book Utopia. I can get a phenomenal rec from counsellor and a pretty decent ones from teachers...</p>
<p>Do I have a chance?</p>