do I have a chance as a transfer student

<p>Hey guys, I plan to transfer to TCU in the fall of 2011 from an Arizona CC. I heard so much about TCU, and it has been nothing but positive comments. I also applied to a couple of other state schools and they accepted me. But hear is my main issue, I have a 2.63GPA, with 33 semester credits(currently enrolled in 17 more). But even though my GPA is not the greatest, I feel like I have the classes that I need, and I am where I am supposed to be as a sophomore, and communications major. I made sure that my essay was the best I could make it. But I really just want to know what you guys think about me getting in with what I have. Any feedback will be very appreciated. Thank you.</p>

<p>Not sure about communications, you should call transfer admissions and ask what is the gpa to stay competitive enough to be admitted for your major. For business you needed at least a 3.25 to be competitive and I got in with a 3.4. Hope you get in bro good luck</p>