Do I have a chance at Cornell?

<p>Do you think I will be accepted</p>

<p>I'm Caucasian/male and live in Michigan</p>

<p>I have:
30 ACT composite
33 Math
27 English (ouch, taking AP english and learning)
30 Reading
32 Science
26 English/writing combined</p>

<p>This is with almost no prep, I got some books and will be taking the December ACT. Think I can get 32+, hoping for 34+ (get what my twin got lol)</p>

<p>Just Got Raped by the SAT Subject Tests
Chemistry 650<br>
Literature 610<br>
Mathematics Level 2 710
Retaking Math and Chem, taking Physics also in December. Did no prep, got the books and will learn. With the prep, I think I can get a 750+ in everything, Math I'm thinking 800</p>

<p>AP Calc: 5
AP US History:3 (class was a joke)</p>

<p>3.95ish GPA, School doesn't weigh, only ever get "A-"s, does Brown drop the minus?</p>

<p>Class Rank: 19/250ish</p>

<p>Classes: basically as hard as I can get it, minus 4 years of band</p>

9-12 Cross Country, team ranked top 5 in the nation, letter winner (not good enough to get recuited though)
9-12 Track
9-10 Swimming
9-12 Marching and Symphonic band, section leader, awards and such
10 Raised $4250 for the Lance Armstrong Foundation through eBay
11-12 NHS Chairperson, tutor, volunteer for various events
11-12 Lifeguard at local Pool</p>

<p>So, what are my chances? (with and without test improvement)</p>

<p>you would have to increase your scores quite a bit and write an amazzzzing essay (construct a hook that makes you fit perfectly at cornell, using your activities) to a small major</p>

<p>"does Brown drop the minus"...haha i sure don't know but this isn't the Brown board</p>

<p>haha oops, I ment Cornell. Any other opinions?</p>

<p> that in the essay and u wont be in cornell for sure...</p>

<p>"I love Brown because I love the clock-tower pumpkin" there u go u r out</p>

<p>ahaha yeah my bad I cutted and pasted.</p>

<p>Actually, I don't think your chances are all that bad. Did you apply ED? Or are you apply RD? If ED, I think your ACT score would be fine. SAT IIs are a bit low, but nothing a bit of good extracurriculars and essays can't fix. If RD...then you probably should take all SAT IIs over again..and raising your ACT score to ~32 would be good. Good luck!</p>

<p>Great! I'm appling RD and I am retaking the ACT and SAT Subject Tests.</p>

<p>You seem like you'd have pretty average chances with ED. As the others before me have said, you'd probably want to bring up your test scores a bit to have a good chance at RD. 30 SAT isn't bad (translates to around 2000 SAT), but higher is always better. 32+ would be good.</p>

<p>Speaking of SAT scores..... I have a 760 CR, 740 W, and a 600 in math. Do you think the 600 will automatically put me out of the running? (ED) I retook it on Saturday and think I got around 650, but I know Cornell says that Nov scores are too late, so looks like I'm sticking with that ugly 600.</p>

<p>your math sat II is fine, i wouldnt retake it</p>

<p>boijia, I doubt your 600 will put you out of the running for ED. Especially b/c your overall SAT scores is a 2100, which is solid for Cornell. Plus...with you applying ED, that gives you a huge edge.</p>

<p>Really? Well I could retake lit since I sucked at that but I don't think thats an easy test to just study for, my english skills are lacking. I am planning on taking Chem and Physics, I don't want to take lit again cause it sucked, so I was thinking I could take math again since it is my best subject and I think I could get an 800. It can't hurt, can it?</p>