do I have a chance at getting in?

<p>First the all-important stats:
4.27 weighted gpa
3.91 unweighted gpa
4 AP's and 3 Honors by the time I finish senior year
4 on the US History AP Test
700 on SAT 2 Math 2c, 720 on SAT 2 Literature, and 740 on SAT 2 US History
SAT: 690 Critical Reading, 690 Math, 730 Writing (2110 composite score)
4 years playing water polo, Varsity Captain (probably like 14 hours a week for 12 weeks each year)
4 years swimming (Probably like 10-12 hours for 10 weeks each year)
3 years of volunteering at Safe Haven Animal Sanctuary (4 hours a week for around 10 weeks each year; fostered animals and help at adoption fairs)
AVID Tutor (Tutoring Sophomores in the AVID program; it's a daily thing I'm doing this senior year)
I've gotten a couple of people (teachers and people in my community) to take a look as well as a person who used to help with admissions decisions and they've all told me that they think they're pretty good. My essays center around water polo and swimming as they're a big part of my life.
Teacher and Counselor Recs:
Don't know what they wrote, but I'm sure they're really good because I had one of the teachers for 2 years and the other one I got along really well with.
I'm a Mexican-born male who came here about 9 years ago. First language and language spoken at home is Spanish. My mom works for the Mexican government, so I'm considered an international student even though I've done all of high school here. I will be the first person in my family to go to college and I will need financial aid from Northwestern (does that decrease my chances?). The Latin Recruitment office has contacted me and even waived the application fee, so do you think that means anything? I really would like to get in and my Intended Major is English.</p>


<p>On a related note, does anyone know the different admit rates for each college? I know Medill and the Theatre Program are extremely hard to get into, but for the College of Arts and Sciences what is the percent of applicants that they admit?</p>

<p>I don't know about the different admit rates for each college, but I do know that NU's total acceptance rate is about 30%-32%. WCAS (Arts & Sciences) is probably higher than Engineering/Journalism/Theatre and obviously HPME.</p>

<p>Was digging around and found one of my old, old threads. As decisions are basically upon us (could be any moment now), anyone care to give me one last evaluation?</p>

<p>I think you have a good shot, but you can never say for sure</p>

<p>Who cares about our opinions anymore? Relax. Go get a burger and chill out for a few while you wait. Good luck.</p>

<p>you've got a shot, i would say, more based on your ethnicity and the fact that you're going to the first person in your family to go to college, added with the fact that you have solid stats.</p>


<p>Do I have a chance at all either??? I'm a junior in high school now, and I know this is Polo1A's post, but, I thought I'd post the same thing under the same title...</p>

<p>Academic Stats:</p>

<p>4.25 weighted GPA
3.929 unweighted GPA
3 AP's and 15+ honors courses by end of senior year
-expected 4's and 5's on AP English and Spanish exams
-ACT: 27 (I'm retaking this 3 more times)
I am in the top 9 percent of my class: 51/539</p>

-A member of the National Honors Society: a society that is a service based society, 40 minimum service hours to be completed, but acceptance is based on GPA and extracurricular activities
-have been published for written works and poetry in my high schools award winning Literary magazine
-Member of the International Thespian Society
-Member of the Tri-M Music Honors Society
-Member of the Drama Club
-Choirs: Concert Choir and Bare Voices (two top groups), Vice President in Concert choir, and will be a section leader in both groups next year, and hopefully student conductor for concert choir.<br>
-Drama/Musical Theater: I have done a total of 13 productions in drama/Musical theater with roles ranging from chorus-leading roles since the 6th grade.
-I've played piano for 9 years
-I've studied classical voice privately for 7 years
-I have consistently earned perfect scores in IHSA Solo Ensemble Competition, and was a member of the IMEA All State Honors Chorus, and was a top scorer in my audition room.</p>

<p>Essays: I'm a good writer, and I plan on spending alot of time on them, my AP english courses wil help, but I have no problem writing creatively, and have no problem writing in my own original "voice".</p>

<p>Recs: They will be extremely good. I am close with a few teachers who like me alot, know me well and will say really good things. They also write well from reading past recs for other students (some of them shared their's with me...) </p>

<p>Hooks: I attended the Interlochen Center for the Arts for their Advanced Vocal Institute (voice/opera) over the summer. Studied with a renowned professor of voice for a month there.<br>
-also will attend Northwestern's NHSMI (a summer music institute) and hopefully will study with Kurt R. Hansen (a tenor voice faculty member there). </p>

<p>I would really appreciate some thoughts!!!!! My intended major is a Bachelor of Music Degree in Voice/Opera Performance and Vocal Music Education Double Major. </p>

<p>QUESTION: I've heard that if you have a really good audition at the school of music, and say that you don't have the most stellar ACT score (like a 27) and have 2 C+'s on your transcript, could the school of music still lobby for you in admissions? </p>

<p>Thanks so much, Patrick</p>

<p>the first guy has a very good chance. my sats were higher but my grades (which matter the most) were much lower and i got in.</p>

<p>polo1A, applying as an international in need of financial aid puts you in a different situation. If you weren't international, your URM status would help you more. As it is, there are two pools of international applicants, those needing financial aid and those who don't. Understandably, it's considerably more competitive if you need aid. This is not supposed to be true for US students, but sadly is for internationals. </p>

<p>It's a good sign that the Latin recruiter has contacted you. If I were you, I'd keep that connection alive if possible. Your stats look fine, but I don't know how brightly you need to shine in the international finaid pool. In general, NU cares a lot about things beyond stats. If there is any way you can visit or otherwise express your strong interest, those things will very likely be taken into consideration. Your essays will be extremely important.</p>

<p>Financial aid for internationals is very new at NU, so you won't find tons of info here, but there has been some discussion of the topic on CC. You should be able to find students who were admitted from that pool this year. However, the board is so busy right now, they might not see your post or your question at the end of your stats, so do some digging and you'll find them.</p>

<p>Same for you Patrick. People tend to ignore those who post beautiful stats on CC, and can even be quite harsh. In any case, don't expect your legitimate question about music to be seen down at the end of your stats. Do some digging and you should find some info. </p>

<p>My daughter attended NHSI and is now at NU, although not for music. They will give you a chance to speak with an admissions person while you're there to answer your questions. NHSI is greuling, and you'll probably feel like sleeping or eating during that time slot, but make sure you take the opportunity. It certainly couldn't hurt to make a good impression and express your strong interest. It would also be smart for you to consider applying ED.</p>

<p>I'm not an expert of anything, but (in response to polo1A's post) i think you have a pretty good shot at getting in. You're a hispanic minority (7% at NWern) which means you're in demand so to speak, I don't believe the fact that you're a financial aid student hurts you, in fact it may help you to a certain extent because you're A. one more international student for the college to brag on and B. another person they can say they helped which makes them look better. So overall with your SAT's and grades and all, I think you have a decent shot, my friend. Post again so we can know the outcome!</p>