Hey guys !
Im an internationals student and I want to know if i stand a chance at Berkeley - Engineering
I have already been admitted to - UMichigan Ann Arbor, Texas A&M and Penn State.
SAT - 2090 (790 - maths, 620 - CR, 680 - Writing)
Converted GPA - 3.8
EC’s, awards :
- Soccer Team Captain 2013 and 2014 - State and district level.
- Ranked 99th Percentile in the All India Problem Solving Assessment - Language convention, and 96th for Qualitative assessment.
- Man of the match and man of the tournament - State and district level tournaments.
- Athlete of the year 2012 and 2013 - annual school sports trophy.
- Member of the students council 2012 and 2014 as 'Sports Prefect'
- Certificate of proficiency in Science for academic distinction in Science in 10th grade finals.
- interned at KTM and Kawasaki Motorcycle service centre as apprentice mechanic - trained to service and repair high performance sports bikes. (2013)
- practice advanced yoga from renowned BKS iyengar institute, started an instagram page for yoga with over 3700 followers
- Take classes, for students in my schools Yoga/gymnastics club, focussing mainly on inversions and balancing.
- Spent a summer in a village school in central India teaching science and yoga to underprivileged students (2014)
- volunteered at 'Salvation Army' to teach slum dwelling children Science and introduce them to internet technology. (2013)
- Volunteered at the animal shelter 'Blue Cross' as part of a Group project for school. Awarded best volunteer group in Senior category.(2012)
- Member of a local rock band - 'The Backbenchers', performed at several locations - Hard Rock Cafe, Restaurants, Malls, performances covered by local newspaper.(2011,2012,2013)
- Certified SCUBA Diver.(2012)
- Organised Schools participation in the environmental sustainability drive to raise awareness and money held by TERI.(2013)
- Ranked 1st in Project 'Neer'. Objective was to make a working model of a cost effective water purification system (2014)
Good Recommendations
good unique essay in my opinion.
I am willing to pay full fees !
I would appreciate some honest feedback 
Thanks !!
UCB: Low Reach
GPA unweighted? GPA/SAT are below average for UCB and the highly competitive major for Engineering. You have many good EC’s but I see no real focus. If you have outstanding essays, you may have a better chance. Good Luck.
Yeah the GPA is un-weighted …
@Gumbymom the thing is I’m from India, and where i live there really wasn’t much i could do related to Mechanical/Aerospace engineering. The best i could do was that internship as an apprentice mechanic. I feel i do have nice essays as they are pretty unique.
Did you take subject tests? That’s a pretty big component for engineering applicants.
@alexphan202020 well, yeah i did … but they weren’t too great, i don’t know where i messed up
Maths 2 - 730, Physics - 730.
That SAT score is too low for Berkeley.
@"aunt bea"
According to their comma data set
25th-75th percentile is 1870-2240 … And the ‘average’ SAT for admitted ‘international’ students is 2120 …
I know my SAT isn’t great, but do i have no chance because of it ?
^ The overall is pretty close to the average + your math score will be the focus of the engineering school. Although there’s no correlation between cross-acceptances, your acceptances from peer engineering schools are telling of your potential. Hopefully Berk. will see what other schools saw. Add the fact that UC’s want your int. student fees & you have a pretty good shot.
Ss: the CDS doesn’t show that our UC’s have “arrangements” with local schools to admit some students who would otherwise not qualify for entry if these students comply with a series of coursework and grades. Also the CDS doesn’t delineate athletes’ scores. Both of those groups scores have to be included in the CDS reported averages which brings the “average” reported SAT scores down.
So, because you are applying to our most difficult UC, your scores have to be over 2250 to be even considered for a spot. You are competing with thousands of your countrymen for a spot, so your scores have to be good. Right now, that 2090 is considered “average”. And, Indian students are an over-represented minority ORM at Cal.
And, many international and out of state students assume, incorrectly, that they only have to live in California for 2 years at full fees and then they will be granted in-state status. All four years would be full pay as you cannot gain in-state residency status. The UC’s are very strict about students coming into California for educational purposes only, and not relying on California taxpayer monies to fund non-resident students for the 3rd and 4th years.
Yeah i agree about the in-state and athletes point, but they reported on their website that the average score for internationals is 2120 …
Plus i know a guy who got into MIT and Berkeley with a 2130 … He didn’t have stellar grades neither was he an athlete, but he did have appealing essays.
Also, do you think because I’m paying full fees it might increase my chances ? @"aunt bea"
Are you applying from India? As a freshmen? If yes, then, chances are a bit slim. You need a much higher GPA and your ECs as people have stated above, don’t really match well with Engineering. Unless you can somehow connect those ECs to Engineering, then I think chances are slim. And I’m sorry but instagram followers really don’t mean anything for a prospective Engineering student.
You will get in with those stats if only you are applying from a Californian high school or community college. Berkeley is pretty strict on where you’re applying from.
But, again, Berkeley has a really holistic approach, so as long as your essays are stellar then, you have a chance!
Good luck! and please rate me too! http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/cornell-university/1737490-chance-me-to-cornell-cals-aem-fall-external-transfer-rd-and-ucb-haas-will-chance-back.html?new=1
low reach. chance back please
@aunt bea Race is not considered for UC admissions, so it doesn’t matter that he’s Indian.
No, the race doesn’t matter, but the country does.
@ss124081 Everyone from OOS and international is assumed full pay, so your competition and full fees don’t increase your chances. It just tells the university that you can pay the fees.