Do I have a chance for U.C. Berkeley?

<p>U.C. Berkeley is really my number 1 school choice right now but I've become increasingly worried about my chances of getting in. I'm a junior.
At glance i'm about average for their profile. I'll have a 4.36-4.40 weighted 10-11 by the end of the semester and a 3.72-3.77 unweighted. My SAT score is 2150, which I will hopefully get above 2200 next time.
However, there are a lot of external factors that help and hurt me.
On the positive side, my course rigor is very strong, I don't take the easier honors or AP classes to inflate my GPA, and I've so far gotten 5's on my two AP tests (European History and Computer Science). The school that I attend is also a high quality school where A's are difficult to attain.
However, there are a lot of things stacked up against me. First, I'm Vietnamese, therefore Asian. Second, my family is pretty well off. Third, I have absolutely no community service hours. The only things I can really say about me besides my grades and test scores are that I've run track and cross country all of high school (and I'm rather slow so that's not getting me anywhere) and that I can play pretty high level piano (which I don't think will get me particularly far).
What are my chances?</p>

<p>A bit more elaborate.</p>

<p>Freshman: Geometry Honors, Biology Honors, Fine Art, French II, English I, Cross Country/Track. Academic GPA: 3.6, 3 on the AP Biology Test
Sophomore: French IV Honors, Algebra II Honors, AP European History, AP Computer Science, English II, Cross Country/Track. Academic GPA (weighted): 4.2, 5 on both the Computer Science and European History AP Tests.
Junior (In progress) (first semester): AP Chemistry, AP French V, AP Chemistry (AP Chemistry is a two period class), AP U.S. History, English III, Precalculus, Cross Country/Track. First semester academic GPA (weighted): 4.5.</p>

<p>Although Vietnamese people are generally socioeconomically worse off than average black or Hispanic people (which obviously you are not), I don’t think they get URM status, but I’m not sure if being Vietnamese works against you or doesn’t affect you.
Your chances are okay, retake the SAT and bring your GPA up. Service hours aren’t huge unless you have a lot, so you can do a few or not, it doesn’t really matter, do it for the sake of service rather than college.</p>

<p>Go to the link below, click on “Custom Tables”, answer a bunch of questions, and enter up to three “mean characteristics at a time” to see what the admit rate is at all the UC’s:</p>

<p>[University</a> of California: StatFinder](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>So how much will this lack of extracurriculars hurt me? Also, could I get chanced on UCLA, UCSB, Michigan Ann Arbor, and any Ivy?</p>

<p>I’d say you have a good chance at the UC’s.</p>