Do I have a chance of getting into RN school?

<p>After 4 years of being out of college and working hard labor jobs and getting laid off and even trying to make a stand in the Army, I've decided to go back to school. I made that decision when my son was born and I saw the everyday tasks that RN's were doing and remembered taking CNA classes back in high school. I never took school serious before, but after getting a big dose of real life and wanting to make a success of myself, I've decided to use all of my grants to go back to school. My school is 100% paid for and even rent and groceries from the grants that I have. The only problem I have is this is what my transcripts were like from college 4 years ago.</p>

<p>I passed: Life Management, Math 098, 099, English, 099, 101, 103, Introduction to Business.</p>

<p>I failed: 9 classes and ended up with a 1.18 GPA.</p>

<p>If I buckle down and do good in the rest of my pre-req's at the new college (for some reason, the GPA DID transfer to the new school) and get mostly A's from this point out, do you think I stand chance of getting into the competitive RN program?</p>