Do I have a chance of getting into VT?

I live in Fairfax VA and attend WT Woodson as a senior. I know my chances are probably slim, but I would like other people’s opinions on if they think I can get into Virginia tech or not.

Freshman - 3.5
Sophomore - 3.3, 1 Honors
Junior - 2.9, 1 Honors, 1 AP, 1 Acadmey
Senior - 3.7, (first semester) 1 AP, 1 Acadmey

SAT - 1200/1600 super score

Basketball (not school team)
Fairfax Teen Police Academy (graduated)
Chess Club
Soccer (not school team)

I’m trying to apply as a Criminology major which is where I focused most of my coursework:
Criminal Justice 1
Criminal Justice 2
AP Psychology

I also graduated from the Fairfax teen police academy over the summer

Math courses: currently taking Calculus

Science courses: HN Biology, Chemistry, Geosystems, AP environmental science

Social studies: currently taking government

English: currently in english 12

APs: environmental science, psychology

Honors: biology, world history 2, US/VA history

3 years of Spanish

Let me know what you think!

Did you apply to Criminology? It looks as though they only admitted 75 students to that major this past fall. You should look up the GPA’s and test scores of admitted students here:

If you applied ED I hope you also prepared some applications to other schools before deadlines. Other schools in VA with the same or similar major are Radford, Longwood, JMU, ODU and VCU. I’m sure there are more but we researched those for D18. Good luck.

P.S. you need to figure out your weighted GPA. It looks like you are there with the SAT score and I’m not sure with your GPA. With AP’s your weighted GPA could be 3.4 or so, so you’d have a chance…

I also applied fo ODU and JMU, thank you!

Chances are a little slim in my opinion. But if you write a great essay and show that you really want to go to VT and show you’re really passionate about criminology, I definitely think you have a chance. I don’t how competitive that area is, but you’ll have a good shot if it’s not too competitive and if you’re a minority. Good luck!