do I have a chance?

<p>okay so i'm having a really hard time deciding if i should apply to Wes regular or ED II. Wes is definitely a reach for me and i think that if i apply ED i'll have a better chance of getting in. the only reason i'm not sure if i should apply ED is because i also really like Reed but i think that Wes is probably my top choice. Do you even think i have any chance of getting in?</p>

<p>GPA: 3.9 (some weighted, some unweighted....i changed schools, which really screwed up my gpa, i'm all IBDC (honors classes) but my previous school didn't offer that so all of those grades are sucks)
top 25%
SAT: 2140 (math: 690, CR: 730, W: 720)
SAT II Literature: 750
Essay is good, writing is definitely a strong point.
Rec's are good.</p>

<p>extracurricular stuff:
50+ hours of community service
started my own book club
went backpacking this summer for a month (with NOLS)
went backpacking another summer for two weeks (with outward bound)
mission trips
NHS (national honor society)
national hispanic merit scholar
national merit commended </p>

<p>do i still have a shot if i apply regular, or only if i apply ed, or not at all? thanks</p>

<p>your stats look very good. Definitely try… however I learned today that they are mad selective and I think they are a lot more numbers oriented than I thought… But good luck. :))</p>

<p>thanks, i’m getting so nervous…all of my friends that i thought were shoe-in’s to schools are getting deferred.
and i completely forgot to mention two of my main extracurriculars: art classes at this art school called the Glassell that i’ve taken once a week since pretty much the start of high school and last year i audited a philosophy class at rice university for a semester.</p>

<p>i think you have a good shot, but i suggest writing them a letter explaining how your GPA was messed up. judging by the people who have gotten in so far, numbers seem like a big factor, so you wouldn’t want to kill your chances because of a “mess-up”.</p>

<p>as for ed2 vs. rd:
if you were to apply regular and then go to wes if you get in, then just apply ed2. if you’re not sure whether you’d go to wes if you got in rd, then apply rd. if wes is absolutely tied for your 1st choice with reed, then i guess apply ed2.</p>

<p>It’s a reach, but not an unreasonable one by any means, definitly give it a shot! And, as flying_pig319 said, if you feel like you’d chose Wes over Reed anyway, apply ED2. If you’re not sure, go regular.</p>