Do I have a Chance?

<p>GPA: 4.01 W (low, I know. But I have a very strong upward grade trend…GPA a lil over 3 first semester freshman year, to a 4.0 last year)
SAT: 680 M 600 CR 580 W
ACT: 27, just took it again and expect a 30+
Rank: 13th/215
State: VA
Senior Courses:
DE Sociology
DE English
DE Advanced Geospatial Methods and Analysis
AP Calculus
AP Government
AP Chemistry
Honors Prob/Stat
Took the most challanged course load all 4 years.
Teacher Recs: Very good
Extra Currics:
3 years Outdoor Track (captain), 2 years Indoor Track (captain), 2 years Cross Country (captain), National Honor Society (President), Technology Student Assosiation (3rd Place in State Competition, Vice President, Sergent-at-Arms), Reniassance Club, Beta Club, Pep Club, Key Club, Academic Challange Team
Chosen as one of 141 students state-wide to attend a Governor School for Math Science and Technology last summer. 4 years work experience, Volenteer Experience. Legecy: Father attended, got his phD, under a full international student scholarship.
For anybody that took the time to read all that, thankyou! :D</p>

<p>I’m not an expert, but your numbers do seem a bit low. Even if you pulled a 31/32 on the ACT, you’d still won’t be looking at great chances. By the way, I thought it was humorous that you described your course load as “challanged”. =)
Good luck!</p>

<p>Contact the athletic dept. if you think you can compete at a college level. That would help.</p>

<p>Everyone has a chance.
But you have an extremely low one.

<p>GPA uw=3.97 w =4.45</p>

<p>SAT 1 M=750 R=680 W=730</p>

<p>SAT 2 Math 800 Physics 800 Bio 680</p>

<p>AP Bio=5 AP Calculus AB =5 Ap CS A=5 AP Statistics =4 AP Physics B =5</p>

<p>Senior year : AP Calculus AP Physics C AP CS AB Honors Chem Baseball English</p>

<p>EC: Varsity Baseball Co-captain</p>

<p>Basketball 2 yrs</p>



<p>Community Volunteern100 hours</p>

<p>Baseball/ Basketball summer camp for three years</p>

<p>chase club : 1 year
reader’s club 1 year</p>

<p>physics tutor</p>

<p>Niamh, I wasn’t aware that you were on the Brown Admissions Committee
or that you could foretell the outcome of an application without knowing much information about the applicant besides some brief stats.</p>

<p>The “Rejected.” part was unnecessary.</p>

<p>Fully agree with asfh09!
As for the OP, good luck! Apply and see what happens! It is hard to really say and the main thing bringing you down is that slightly low ACT (I have the same ACT, and am also applying to Brown, so no hard feelings :P) Hopefully, it will have gone up to 30 plus for which then your chances will increase!</p>

<p>hmm kind of low, any chance to bring up sat scores/ fro, wikipedia: 50% of brown students got a 750 or above on math or reading</p>

<p>Everyone has a chance. I have pretty good test scores, average grades, and sucky ECs and I’m still applying to Brown. That’s because I looooooooooooove Brown.</p>

<p>People who tell you that you’re sure to get rejected are just trying to weed you out of the applicant pool and narrow their competition. Ignore them. You’ve got nothing to lose except for the $70 application fee. On the other hand, you have a chance of getting a priceless admission letter. Even if you get rejected, you should frame your letter because at least you tried. </p>

<p>I plan on framing my letter from the Brown admission committee no matter what results I get.</p>

<p>“Even if you get rejected, you should frame your letter because at least you tried.”
HAHA aw.</p>

<p>This isn’t relevant…but I’m assuming you’re from Virginia…because I also attended a state wide Governor’s School for Math Sci & Tech this summer with approx. 141 kids as well… unless it’s a crazy coincidence</p>





<p>Are you crazy?</p>