Do I have a decent chance at getting into these schools? And I'm considering too ED somewhere

I’m currently a junior and I’m wondering what the chances of me getting into school’s like Stanford, Yale, Duke, Vanderbilt, and John Hopkins are.
I am considering Early decision too Duke or Yale.

Current weighted GPA: 4.92
Current unweighted GPA: 3.98
SAT: 2250
ACT: 34

8th grade: Honors Algebra 1 and English 1

Freshman year: Took Honors in everything; Spanish 1

Sophmore year: AP Psychology; AP World History; Spanish 2 and Honors in everything else

Junior year: AP Language, AP US History, AP Computer Science, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, Spanish 3

Senior year: AP Physics, AP Calculus AB, AP Anatomy and Physiology, AP Vertebrate Biology, AP Advanced Genetics, AP Neuroscience, AP Literature, AP Government and Economics

An Ambassador for my school
10 year of tennis, 6 on high school team (number 3 in 7th grade, and number 1 since 8th; also team captain)
Assistant coach for the male tennis team
7th in South Carolina A1 State tennis championships
10 years of piano
5 years of flute in band; went to Chicago and New York to compete; placed in region every year
Writes novels as a hobby
Relay for life

Co-President of Culinary Arts Club
President of FWD fashion (Fun without drugs)
A leader of S2S (Student to student smart which is tutoring kids)
Outing Club
Beta Club
National Honors Society
Youth in Government

Community service:
188 hours of tutoring elementary school children from the local boys and girls club
Occasionally works at the humane center and the local soup kitchen
Will do stockings for soldiers this coming December

Work experience:
6 week summer research at Vanderbilt University in bacterial uses as medicine on alpha-a antitrypsin deficiency
Published paper on it and presented it at a state wide convention

1 Recommendation from Biology teacher with PhD
1 Recommendation from English teacher with PhD
1 Extra recommendation from a professor from Vanderbilt’s Medical School

You’re all set reach-wise, but you need a non-reach or two…


My safety school’s are Emory, Clemson, and Georgia Tech

Are you being recruited by any of them for tennis? That could potentially increase your chances, especially with your great scores, GPA, and ECs.

No, there are many people who are potentially better. It depends on their high school and whether they are in 1A, 2A, 3A, or 4A. I’m only 7th in 1A. So I could possible be if I improved more on my skill but as of now I don’t see tennis as being something a college other than lower level universities would recruit me for

I wouldn’t consider Emory or Georgia Tech safeties.

I talked to my guidance counselor about that and in the past 5 years my school has had about 50 people get accepted into Emory and 47 people get accepted to Georgia tech. Our class sizes range from 100-140 people so about 1/3 get accepted to these school’s. If all else fails I can always go to Clemson which is the ultimate safety that I have on my list.

Not 1/3, but 1/15. You stated from the PAST 5 YEARS that 50 people got accepted to Emory and 47 to Gtech.

There’s a reason I don’t like math lol. But they’re decent school’s that I think I have a good chance of getting into

Yeah you have a good chance.

I know this might seem a little rude, but if you write your essays using “too” instead of “to” and “school’s” instead of "schools, you will have very little chance of getting into Stanford, Yale, or any similar schools.
Emory is not a safety for anyone.
Other than that, your stats look solid.

Thanks and there’s a reason why people edit and have other’s revise their essays isn’t there



I have never heard of some of these AP classes- AP Neuroscience, AP Advanced Genetics, AP Vertebrae Biology, and AP Anatomy. Do not see them on CB’s list.

With a full edit:

Thanks. And there’s a reason why people edit and have others revise their essays, isn’t there?

Good luck to you, OP. You are an excellent candidate and have clearly worked hard.

That’s because they don’t exist. Neither does “alpha-a antitrypsin” and “bacterial uses as medicine”. In addition to the numerous punctuation challenges, he also oddly refers to himself in the third person as if phrases are cut and pasted from elsewhere.

Good catch. But those 15 APs, real or not, should give him a good shot at Harvard. (See Conning Harvard.)

You’re qualified, that’s for sure. But prestigious schools like that are hard to chance. I don’t doubt you’ll get accepted to a few, and I also don’t doubt you’ll get rejected from a few.

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