<p>I've applied for Rutgers Business School, Newark Campus for Fall 09. Currently I'm in a community college, and I'll be receiving my Associates Degree before the summer comes. </p>
<p>I'll be going over with like 70ish credits...and as of right now I got a 2.93 GPA I believe (I messed up in math class, but got A's in the other ones I took), which kinda has me worried because it's not my goal of having a 3.0. My friend told me as long as I have a 2.5 I'll be ok...but I dunno. I applied on the 15th, which I believe was the priority deadline. </p>
<p>I have a couple questions, when do I send the money order/transcript? How long do I have till I have to send it in? I plan on doing it very soon, but will they not look at my application until I send them that? </p>
<p>I'm also Latino if that matters(I dunno if Rutgers accepts more minorities or w.e). </p>
<p>I have no Extra Curricular activities however...should I put that I work as one?</p>
<p>^ is that for newark, because I know the standards are that high for new brunswick. and the nb business school accepts an average gpa of 3.4. but that’s new brunswick; i don’t know about newark. </p>
<p>I would send in the transcript very, very soon. like next week. I tried looking it up, but the transfer faq section of rutgers bs is unavailable right now. I doubt they will even glance at your app until all the materials are sent in. </p>
<p>definitely put in work, especially if you do work/study and write down how many hours you work. </p>
<p>also, I’m not sure about the ethnicity thing. Here’s a story to explain: </p>
<p>I have a friend who is white who applied to udelaware as her first choice and was rejected yet I know someone who is attending udelaware who is spanish and was rejected from rutgers. They have around the same stats/rank, I believe. </p>
<p>So i don’t really know. as for your gpa, I don’t think the business school will be too much of a reach, but again, I’m not very sure because I couldn’t find the stats on the site. </p>
<p>I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful. Best of luck.</p>
<p>If you didnt pay your application fee and if they dont have your transcript then you did not make the priority date. therefore you are now going to be considered if they have the space for you. Depending on the CC you go to depends on if a 2.96 will get you in. I know at mercer to transfer with a associates you need a 2.75 and you are in SAS. for other CC im not sure. the business school is a reach they dont really accept transfer students and only talk a handful of students that transfer in from another rutgers school. your best bet is to get into SAS and then try to transfer into the business school after a semester or 2.</p>
<p>Wait what is “SAS”? Damn…so is there a possibility I could be accepted into the school regardless (not the business one), and then after a semester try and get into the business school?</p>
<p>And I already sent in the application…can I go back and add that I work? I also did Canvassing for some Senator elections.</p>
<p>Oh ok, so is that a seperate appliaction with a seperate money order and all that? Or the fact that I applied already to the business school, if I’m rejected can they just put me into another one?</p>
<p>not if you don’t request it, I don’t think. I don’t know what it’s like for the newark business school but last year when i was applying to new brunswick, they had three options and I got into both bs and sas because I put those down as my options. </p>
<p>I don’t know if they would automatically relegate you to sas if you didn’t request it.</p>
<p>You might be able to do what I did and go to the Admissions office and request they add it. They had me hand write a note asking to add the schools to my app and dada later that night it started showing all 3 schools for me.</p>
<p>yeah you wont be able to do another application. What you need to do is email admissions and ask how you can get that added into your application and usually they can change it for you. Include your date of birth and the student ID they assign you.</p>