Do I have a shot at USC?

<p>Unweighted GPA: 3.6 D:</p>

<p>I also took a 5 unit Business course at a local community college and received an A in that, I'm not sure how to calculate that in.</p>

<p>California Resident</p>

<p>SAT Reasoning Scores
670 M//630 CR//690 W All taken in one sitting (Retaking in november, aiming for atleast a 2150)
SAT II Scores
760 Math II (retaking)
690 Biology E (retaking)</p>

<p>I'm applying to CLAS Economics.</p>

<p>Some of my extra curriculars
10 years of martial arts with a third degree black belt, and I'm also an assistant instructor
Volunteer at Kaiser Permanente Hospital with over 500 hours
Varsity Badminton Team
Tutor in my school's peer tutorial program
Vice president of school's badminton club
Vice President/ Co-Founder of Animal Volunteering Organization (club in school)
Activities director for my school's Junior Statesmen of America
Co- Founder of my school's M.U.N. club
Participant of NASA's INSPIRE program
Member of Spanish Honor Society (3 years)
Member in key club, fbla, and interact (3 ish years
Other random volunteer opportunities : AIDS walk, polio walk, etc.</p>

<p>Any other significant accomplishments in a specific field
Scholar athlete award for badminton, my school's academic talent and excellence award (not too hard to get), Several medals in martial arts, academic achiever patch from martial arts, </p>

<p>USC is my top choice school, and I'm pretty confident that i will receive a really good letter of reccomendation, and I will try to make this essay as well written as possible.</p>

<p>I'm also looking at Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, Irvine, SB, Davis, U-Mich, and NYU CAS econ as well.</p>

<p>Your SAT is decent. If you can get the CR up, you’ll be golden. If that was your first SAT, then your M and W will probably go up to 700+ when you retake it. So that’s good. I don’t know why you’re retaking Math II, 760 is impressive for that test. Your Bio E is also really good. I think you have as good a chance as the rest of the applicant pool, so just make sure to have great essays. If that rec comes from a Business/Econ teacher, that could help you a lot.</p>

<p>I had a friend with similar stats who got into USC Marshall last year and now goes to U-Mich for Business.</p>

<p>I come from a very competitive district in the bay area where 1 out of 3 kids who take math II get an 800, so if they compare me to my surroundings, ill be sub par. And my letter is coming from an AP biology teacher… i hope that doesnt matter too much…</p>

<p>I doubt they will compare your SAT II scores to the rest of your district…</p>

<p>There is no reason to re-take your math subject test. An 800 will not give you any more consideration than a 760. It sounds like you are retaking just to have bragging rights at your high school. Your time would be much better spent working on your overall SAT (which is below the average at USC) or giving the ACT a try.</p>

<p>How rigorous is your coursework?</p>

<p>freshman year - all regular
sophomore year- chemistry honors
junior year- am lit honors, spanish 4 honors, biology AP (5 on the AP exam), precalculus honors
senior year- ap gov/econ, mythology,ap spanish, physics honors, ap calculus bc</p>

<p>my school district doesn’t allow doubling up in classes (taking two classes of the same type in a school year ex: 2 science classes, and most of the APs in our school require prerequisites of other classes)</p>

<p>Extra curriculars are good, SAT is average for USC. Might want to take a shot at the ACT. Strength of schedule isn’t that great up until senior year. Seems like you loaded up senior year just to get the number of AP/honors courses up. You seem to have a decent chance of getting in, would probably qualify this as a borderline reach/target school for you.</p>

<p>also, would my chances differ if i decided to apply to marshall as first choice and clas econ as second?</p>

<p>krfan1993 - no, that would not change your chances. The two schools will consider you for admission separately.</p>

I just recently took a mock sat and got a 2110
does that increase my chances by a lot?</p>