Do I have a shot at Yonsei/SNU??

<p>I'm planning on getting into grad school for english language and literature or international relations at Yonsei or SNU. </p>

<p>To Yonsei or SNU i'd be considered a foreign student since i'm mongolian national and both of my parents are mongolian citizens, I've heard that their way of selecting foreign applicants is so much easier than selecting locals as they're trying to expand their foreign students pool to gain international recognition. Nevertheless I think Yonsei is a reputable university and will be a good foothold for me to continue onto US ivy schools. </p>

<p>My concern is whether my bachelors degree will get me to graduate school at Yonsei or SNU. The reason why i'm concerned is 1st my GPA is poor probably around 2.5 2nd is was not a 4 year university i obtained my degree in 2.5 years which now i regret /it was more of like fast forward course and i'm not a genius, if i was that would be a whole another story/ I've read through the international students admission guide for both schools and they both stated something like any interested applicant applying to graduate school must have either bachelors degree /4 year university/ or someone that has equivalent capability and intellectual ability to someone who has bachelors degree.... Now here's the part that i'm in dilemma, i mean from this i could probably give it a try at grad school and try my luck since i'm a foreigner. But the part thats holding me back is i'm planning on taking GRE and TOPIK and to do that i probably need to study hard to get a good score that will make up for my bad academic record at college, but still i'm afraid this will not do. And i dont want to waste my time, money & energy for something thats not even worth trying. Instead i could explore other options like second bachelors degree / i have diploma in business administration i could enter 2nd year of bachelors program hopefully?? but if i were to do so do i still need to take GRE? even if its not mandatory it will probably boost my chances of getting accepted in/ someone please give me some sound feedback!!</p>

<p>ā€œIā€™m planning on getting into grad school for english language and literature or international relations at Yonsei or SNU.ā€</p>

<p>You should ask this in the Grad School forum and/or International Students forum. Go to the main page where all of the forums are listed and scroll down to find them.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>