<p>Alright, so i am attending a CC this year looking to transfer for sophomore year. I didn't do the very best i could in high high school, so i know thats what kills me.
Here are the schools i was hoping for....</p>
<p>University of Vermont
University of Wisconsin- Madison
U Mass Amherst</p>
<p>States -</p>
<p>High School- NOTHING special here until senior year.
Sports/ECs/Volunteer work -
4 years on a ski team ( not affiliated with the school),
ski club at the school (2 years)
Volleyball ( 2 years)
Cheerleading ( 1 year)</p>
GPA 4.0/4.0
Sports, ECs/Volunteer work -
- Ski team ( since 7th grade)
-Treasurer of the Active Minds club
- GSA club
-phi theta kappa
-Dean's List
-Volunteer at the help hotline<br>
-Volunteer this winter at Ski Resort teaching children how to ski
-Volunteer at the ASPCA
- Internship at local Law Firm</p>
<p>SATs -</p>
<p>first time
Math 480
Written- 530
= 1560</p>
<p>second time
CR- 630
<p>Other notes
- I am a Caucasian female from the east coast
- Double legacy at Cornell
- Have been complemented by many institutions about my improvement
-The community college i attend is top rated
-I do not need any financial assistance</p>
What else can i do to strengthen my applications?</p>