Do I have a shot in hell of getting in anywhere with a 3.54 UC GPA?

<p>Thanks a lot for even checking this post guys, I need some advice. I’ve already posted this on the UCSD board, but once again my qualms have returned. I’ll be applying as a Political Science major, and I was wondering if you could help me guage my chances at each UC school except for UCLA and UCB (two schools which I have virtually no chance of getting into).</p>

<p>UC GPA: 3.54 (on the flipside, I had a 4.0 all throughout my junior year, which is what saved my GPA from dropping lower)
School: Very competitive, I won’t tell you where I go to school but I am from one of the top 10 UCSD and UCI feeder schools</p>

<p>SAT: 1600 (M+CR) / 2350 (all in one sitting)</p>

<p>SAT IIs- World History: 800, Math 2C: 800, Bio E: 800, US History: 800, Lit: 760 (grrr…)</p>

<p>AP: Psychology, English Lang and Comp, Comp Sci, US History- All 5s, (self studied Psych)</p>

<p>I worked hard on my personal statements; my AP English Lang teacher liked the essays, and so did my AP English Lit teacher (I haven’t taken his class yet but we know each other). My Honors Chem teacher (who has an MFA in some Literature) liked it as well though she was critical of my chosen topic. But that’s a matter that’s been taken care of. </p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule:
AP Physics C
AP English Lit
AP Art History
AP Calc AB/Calc C Honors
AP Gov
Spanish 3</p>

<p>ECs And Achievements:</p>

<p>As you’re about to see, much of my ECs revolve around politics and trivia, which makes up the bulk of my interests. </p>

<p>Captain of Quiz Bowl Team (I share the title with another individual, but I do most of the organization of tournaments that we host or attend. The team didn’t do as well as I had hoped this year at HSNCT, but that’s another matter)</p>

<p>Constitution Team member</p>

<p>Vice President of the Young Republicans</p>

<p>President and Founder of Pre-Law Society</p>

<p>I regularly volunteer at a nonprofit for veterans of the Iraq War, approx. 350 hours so far </p>

<p>FBLA Treasurer</p>

<p>Besides the GPA, everything else is fantastic.</p>

<p>you have a good chance anywhere except LA and B</p>

<p>You never know. I wouldn’t rule out LA and B.
The test scores may make the GPA irrelevant.
Still keep the grades as high as you can during senior year. Good for appeal if you need to go there. And you’re supposed to do the best you can anyway.</p>

<p>Thanks guys. </p>

<p>I know the UC schools don’t really have much of an appeals process, but what would an appeal be like? Would I submit my senior year grades? Would I have to write about a recent oustanding achievement that was not on my initial application?</p>

<p>There have been CC posters that have done it. You could do a search. But you have almost a year to get there, don’t you?</p>

<p>You are going to apply for Fall 2011? So, you haven’t applied, haven’t been rejected, and you’re thinking of an appeal already?</p>

<p>I had the exact same GPA, 3.54 haha
I applied to UCSD, UCD, UCSB, UCI, and UCR.
I was accepted to UCD, UCSB, and UCR. so yes, you do have a shot :slight_smile:
Just take your time on decided on a topic for your essays and do you best on them and play up your other strengths (leadership, EC’s, etc.)
Good Luck!</p>

<p>i would say in for SC, R, M,
high maybes for D, SB, SD, I
maybe-reach for LA, B</p>

<p>do work this nexy year, they can see upward trends. also write a killer essay</p>


<p>Well you know what they say. “Hope for the best but prepare for the worst”</p>


<p>@ everyone else</p>

<p>Thanks for the help!</p>

<p>Cal and UCLA will depend on your essays. SD depends on your total points, of which gpa counts a bunch. </p>

<p>On your other thread, BU is a safety. Also consider 'SC – they just LOVE high test scores, and if you are a NMSF, you’ll receive an automatic tuition discount.</p>

<p>I had a 3.52 and I got in every UC except UCD so anything is possible :)</p>

<p>You would definitely be accepted in UCM, UCR, UCSC, UCD, UCI, UCSB, and UCSD. I think you can get in UCLA and UCB as well. If I were you I would apply to them both.</p>

<p>@Shibykin- haha yeah, but you had better ECs than me and you had a personal issue (or a few) that you could write about. Maybe I misunderstood, but weren’t you sent a supplemental from UCB because they wanted to know more about your personal issues? Don’t worry I’m not forum stalking I just stumbled upon your admissions guide that’s on this same board :slight_smile: </p>

<p>@Proteinman- Thanks. </p>

<p>If I may ask, where else did you get accepted to other than UCSC?</p>

<p>haha well I’m lucky but seriously anything is possible :)</p>

<p>I got accepted into UCSC, UCR, UCM, University of Arizona, and SDSU. Nothing too impressive, I was a slacker in high school.</p>