Do I have a shot?

<p>I'm from a town in Massachusetts, close to Boston. I'm a junior in public school. We're well-known for our competitiveness and we have a history of strong academics.
I've always taken the highest-level classes available, except for a college-level chemistry class last year and a college-level English class this year (because my schedule didn't allow for me to take honors English). I've been taking French since 7th grade (in French 4 now, going on to AP 5 next year) and sophomore year I started Spanish as well. I took art 1 and 2 and I plan on taking 4 next year (I couldn't take 3 this year). My grades are mostly Bs, except in Spanish, where I have As. As far as I know, my GPA is about 3.3 or 4.3, depending on your scale. I haven't taken the SAT yet, but the practice tests I've taken have scored highly - 2080 on my last one. I'm going to take the ACT and 3 SAT IIs in June.
I'm a rower for a very decorated team, and I've medaled in many regattas. I am also an alpine skier, and I have a chance of being captain next year. I've rowed for 3 seasons (it will be 6 when I graduate) and I've skied for 3 (it will be 4 when I graduate).
I'm a Girl Scout and I earned my Silver Award. I'm also on two forms of student government - one for my grade and one for my whole school. I was the treasurer of my grade freshman year and hopefully I'll be VP or treasurer for the school next year. I think I will have an internship with Representative Tom Conroy next school year, but I still have to work that out. Chances are good, though.
I'm involved with my church and I go on yearly work trips. I've been to two shelters in a nearby town where we renovated a kitchen, built new shelving, painted walls, etc. Last year we went to a special youth's camp in PA and mainly did maintenance for them. We're going to New Orleans at the end of this school year.</p>

<p>I'm sorry - I know this is a lot of information, but it's everything I would tell the school. Please let me know if it's worth touring/applying! Thanks so much!</p>

<p>UW only looks at unweighted grades. It is a plus to take the most rigorous curriculum you can (and have) but your gpa is rather low. Wisconsin public schools are generally known for high standards so your HS may seem average to many here. Your ECs are similar to many Wisconsin HS students. If you have a passion for UW and can show it in your essays you may have a chance.</p>