Do I have any chance at UCLA/ Berkeley/ Davis

Hi, out of state student here

I’ve looked at a lot of colleges and can’t decided between a small LAC or a larger more metropolitan school with more opportunities. I visited these Cal campuses and really liked them, so any advice would help. For once in my life money isn’t an issue, so all these potential doors opening up is a bit overwhelming.

Here it goes:

GPA: unweighted: 3.75; weighted 4.4 (out of 5.0)
ACT: 33C and 12 on writing
SAT II: 780 WH, 800 US

11 AP classes when I graduate (every AP history and English plus AP Stat and APES)

I got all A’s junior year in 6 AP classes, and should be on track for 5 A’s this year and a B in APES.

I have pretty good extracurriculars: (two varsity sports, some internships in NYC and in local politics, a couple of published pieces, school newspaper, academic tournament teams, etc)

I’m from the south and a male, if that has any bearing.

Oh and I intend to major in the humanities, although I found UCLA’s film program to be very fascinating as film is a passion of mine, but from what I hear it’s almost impossible to get into.

Thank you in advance, I appreciate any information.

If 65,000 a year is not an issue, go ahead and apply. Cal and UCLA will be reaches and Davis is a high match.

Only AP classes taken during 10-11 grades will earn the GPA weighting for OOS so you will need to recalculate your UC GPA. Your senior year AP classes will not count in the GPA calculation.

I gotta break it to you, your UW GPA is going to kill you since you are OOS. Your ECs dont any particular interest in a field. As stated above, Cal and UCLA will be high reaches and Davis will be a high match, low reach.

UC GPA calculator:

And as stated by @Hamurtle, the UC’s will cost around $65K/year to attend. Little to no financial aid is available for OOS applicants.

@Gumbymom The UC goddess has blessed your chance thread :slight_smile: