Do I have any chance of getting in??

<p>White Jewish Male
Miwaukee, WI
GPA: about a 3.4/4 unweighted (My school uses a diffrent grading system)
Class rank: top 30% (Very competitive school)
ACT: 27 (Math-30, Reading-29, Science-26, English-23, writing-7)
- Did a couple sports, some clubs and some volunteer work
-I have an extremly good personal essay because of my life story where I moved all around the world, lived through a war and got to where I am today through hard work. I wasn't born in the united states...I moved here about 4 years ago and had to perfect the english language while maintaining good grades. So hopefully they will apprecaite that. Im not a minority tho... (Im white/caucasian) so no affirmative action can help me.
- I have one good letter of recommendation.
- I am taking 3 AP classes (Chem, Bio, Calc) this year but mostly took a bunch of accelerated classes and a few Honors thoughout highschool.
- I had one job from beginning of Junior year till present</p>

<p>I applied Mid-October and called them recently and they have all my stuff but im still waiting for a decision to be made. </p>

<p>Wisconsin is my top choice, and I realize my numbers are lower than the expectations but hopefully they appreciate what I went through as an immigrant and realize that it wasnt easy for me to get top notch grades without good english. Which by the way I feel ike I pretty much perfected by now.</p>

<p>So either way, do you think I have any chance?? :)</p>

<p>And be honest, I wont get dissapointed if you say no :)</p>

<p>not really</p>

<p>according to the chart, you have a 50 percent chance of acceptance</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>so i mean i personally say you get in eventually but good chance you will get deferred at first. Doubtful that you will be rejected.</p>

<p>In a case of being deferred, what should I do to help my case beside maintaining solid grades?....should I retake the ACT?</p>

<p>I would go take the ACT again definitely..try 2 get at least a 29. Then ace all of Calc tests for the remaining semester. You can do it!!!</p>

<p>"I feel ike I pretty much perfected by now."</p>

<p>Just couldn't get over the irony in this sentence lol.</p>

<p>Yeah, I'd say you'll get deferred first, and then possibly accepted. Wisconsin is a very numbers-oriented school. Just keep that in mind, and good luck!</p>

<p>How long do you have to wait if you get deferred?</p>

<p>vc08..I was being sarcastic by saying perfected...but id say compared to where i was freshman year..ive "improved" ;)</p>

<p>Your personal data- gender, religion, eliteness of school attended are irrelevent here. Grades, test scores are most important, then those essays. Overcoming a language barrier is something you can write about. Everyone can do hard work and can have obstacles, do not expect to get in out of sympathy for your past situation, but because you have demonstrated you can do the work at UW (but remember you are competing with many others who also can do the work so that is not a guarantee of admission).</p>