Do I have enough AP classes for UC?

I’m currently a sophomore and I’m in a program that makes me take engineering and marine science classes. I can’t get out of it, and I can only take an AP for science in senior year. I’m not sure if I have enough to go to a UC. I have UCSD or UCSC in mind. Can you give me some advice? Thanks!

Here’s my 4-year plan:

AP Human Geography
English 9
Integrated Math 2
Biology Marine (Required)

AP World History
English 10
Integrated Math 3
Marine Biology (Req.)
Engineering (Req.)

AP US History
AP English Language
Marine Chemistry (Req.)
Engineering (Req.)

AP US Gov.
AP English Literature
AP Calculus
AP Chemistry
Engineering (Req.)

If you HS schedule is considered rigorous based on your HS, then you are fine. You will be judged in the context of your HS and your HS’s available courses.

For the UC GPA calculation all the UC’s cap the #of semesters of weighted credit you will get (8 semesters/4 year long classes) so going above the cap, will have not significant impact on your UC GPA calculation. However, UCLA/UCB will also consider your uncapped UC GPA (unlimited AP classes 10-11th grades).

Above 6-8 AP classes becomes moot for most schools, so you look fine in regards to your rigor as long as you receive good grades in all these courses.

UC’s only use 10-11th grades in their GPA calculation, so 9th and 12th grades will not be included. 9th and 12th grades/courses are reviewed to make sure you meet the a-g course requirements and doing well in 12th grade will also keep your provisional admission.

Here is the UC GPA calculation if interested: